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"Veronica? What are you - why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Chris asked when she got into the house

"I didn't know I had to ask before paying a visit to my fiance."

"Come on. You know that's not what I meant."

Chris hugged her after planting a kiss on the cheek. She noticed that he was acting weird like he was trying to hide something. Then she saw it. A bra on the floor and some undies. They had been pushed to the side slightly under the couch out of view but one could still see them. Was Chris cheating on her? Is that why he was acting like that?

She said nothing to him or asked questions even when she noticed the shoes that clearly did not belong to Chris and a piece of cloth. It had to be a dress or a skirt. She could not tell as a large potion of it was stuffed behind the couch pillow.

It's okay Vee. Ignore it. She thought reminding herself why she was there in the first place. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding and all in her head. At least that's what she hoped.

"We can have breakfast at a restaurant. I had sent all the servants away over the weekend so..."

"Chris why was your car following Ethan around," she interrupted his speech that was obviously meant to get her out of the house. Perhaps to give his mistress, whoever she was time to leave because Chris never ever sent his servants away for any reason whatsoever.

"What are you talking about?"

"Cut the crap Chris. Your car was following Ethan around right before some truck shows up to try and kill him. Now please explain to me how any of this is a coincidence."

"You think I'd try to kill Ethan?"

"I don't know what to think honestly... Would you?"

"Of course not muffin. How could you think that."

"Then why was your car following him not once, but for three consecutive days Chris."

Chris remains silent and the guilt is written all over his face when he is no longer able to keep lying to her face.

"So it is true?" Veronica scoffs, "wow Chris!"

"How about you also explain why you've been seeing him behind my back."

"Really is that was this is about? Is that why you tried to kill him just because I've been meeting up with him. Is that your big excuse."

"Well what did you expect from me Veronica. We are engaged for heavens sake...what do you think people would have said about you meeting up with your ex lover?"

"Jesus Christ Chris! You put someone's life at risk all because you were thinking of what people would say. I know we're engaged and I respect that but it gives you no right to do what you did. What? Will you go around attacking every guy the public thinks I'm hanging around with? What is wrong with you? "

"No Vee. I should be asking you that question and not the other way round. It's your fault this happened, I did this only because you pushed me to it. If only you would keep your word and not go anywhere near that guy, none of this would have ever happened."

"You know what Chris, you're absolutely right and I know exactly how to fix all this. I created the problem so I'll bring the solution."

Veronica took off her engagement ring in anger and threw it at an unsuspecting Chris.

"There. Now you don't have to worry about what people will say because they will have nothing to talk about in the first place."

With that, Veronica left Chris shocked and still processing what had just happened. By the time he came after her, she had driven off on her way back to Ethan.

He would not let it happen. There was no way he was going to let Veronica slip away from him. She was his and if he could not have her, no one else would. Especially not Ethan.

He went back into the house fuming with anger as he thought of the one leverage he had in the situation. Ethan was going to get an unexpected visitor soon, one who would leave Veronica no choice but to come back to him.
He would make sure she begged to make her way back. That was his promise.

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