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Veronica sat down staring at the swans as she had done the previous day. The silence around her gave her space to think and she had been doing a lot of it lately. She was so occupied that she did not realize when Henry approached her and that he had been standing there for a while.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He startled her and she looked up to see him smiling at her his hands pocketed in his pants. He must have had a shower right after breakfast yet here she was still in her night robe.

"Hi dad"

"Mind telling me what's going on. You've been keeping to yourself ever since you got here."

"It's nothing. I'm fine dad."

"You can lie as much as you want but I know you're not fine Ronnie. I'm your father you can tell me anything."

How was she supposed to tell her dad that she was engaged to a man she did not love and that the one she did was going to have a baby with someone else.

Both situations made her look like the bad person.  At least in her head. Choosing to marry Chris would be intentionally getting him to waste his years on her. What if once they turned fifty or sixty she was no longer able to fake her affection? Would she get a divorce? But how would that affect their children because she would obviously have kids in a marriage. It would be so unfair to them and to Chris, but she could not just choose Ethan. It would make her a homewrecker. She had to consider the baby Esther was carrying. It's future. How could she let it grow without a dad for her own selfish reasons? Aside from that she would also hurt Chris and humiliate him especially after his big proposal.

As if all that was not enough she did not know how to feel or what exactly she was feeling with the realization of what her best friend had done. It felt as if her life was falling apart but there was no way she could tell all that to her dad. She just hugged him and began crying. For a moment he was taken back not having expected the hug but he comforted her till she eventually calmed down.

"Is this about your engagement to Chris Thompson?"

"In a way, yes."

"It's totally normal to feel confused about these things. As it is forever is a long time, but if you are certain you love him and he loves you just as much as you love him then you'll know what decision is right for you. You don't have to rush into it, I'm right here . You're whole family is sweetheart."

"Thanks dad."

She hugged him again and they sat watching the swans together for sometime.

Later that night, she felt her decision was made and she was going to call Ethan and set things straight. As soon as she switched on her phone, millions of notification came in and moments later before she could read her messages and listen to the voicemails, Ethan called.
"Ethan we need to talk.."

"Hello. Am I speaking to Veronica Mares?"

"Yes. Who is this?" She asked the unfamiliar voice who had called through Ethan's phone.

"I'm sorry we've been trying to reach you for a while now. I'm calling from Dartha Avenue Hospital. Do you know Ethan Holmes?"

"Yes," she said feeling confused. Why in the world was a hospital calling her and that too with Ethan's number? "Why? Where is he?"

"I'm sorry miss. Ethan Holmes was involved in an accident about two days ago and he asked us to call this number while he was brought in..."

"What- what do you mean he was in an accident? Where is he? Can I talk to him..."

"I'm gonna need you to stay calm. I assure you he is stable now but unconscious. Maybe you could come see him and give his details if you can. It's needed urgently."

"Yeah... uuuuh, I'll be there as soon as I can."

Whatever the woman said next, she definitely did not hear it as she was busy trying to find her car keys in her bag. She hang up half confused and half aware of what she was supposed to do. She had to get to Ethan and fast.
She ran downstairs the moment she found her keys to make her way to her car.

"Ronnie what's going on?"

"I can't explain now dad. I have to go."

"But it's dark outside are you even sure you're in a condition to drive?"

"That doesn't really matter right now...

"Come on. I'll drive you," he said as he took the key from her hands and led the way to her car.

She had no time to argue about anything. She got in the car and told him where to go as they drove off glad he did not ask anymore questions. She bit her fingernails throughout the drive, her mind occupied with thoughts of Ethan. How did he get into an accident in the first place?  Stupid question.  She thought but she obviously needed to know. To think that she had been mad at him then, what if it was bad. What if he died while she still remained angry at him? How would she live with herself then?
Christ Veronica get that thought out of your head.

"Dad can you please drive any faster."

She was tensing and the only thought that had become a constant in her mind was Ethan and the accident and how bad it could have been.

She did not know why but she suddenly found the urge to pray. She had not always been that much a believer, not like her mother and especially not after she died. She sort of stopped believing or hoping for something greater but with the thought of Ethan constantly prying her mind, she had no idea what else to do. She did the only thing she thought she could. She silently prayed.

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