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Ethan figured that Cassie was probably not going to answer him and he would be left there standing like some smiling statue. He decided to get straight to the point because the look she gave him was the kind that said 'I could kill you right now.' He had zero intentions of backing down though. "Listen Cassie, I know that you don't like me..."
"That's an understatement Ethan," she interrupted, "what I don't like is your existence." He breathed deeply letting her finish what she had to say. The last thing he wanted was an argument with her. The door was ajar and he took a small peek inside such that she would not notice.
"Is Veronica here with you. I really need..."
"No she's not," she told him before he could even complete his sentence. Just then Veronica showed up with a towel draped around her body. She was holding two dresses in hand and looking at them while speaking.
"Hey Cass, which one do you think I should wear. The white one or..."
She stopped before she could say anything else surprised by the unexpected visitor standing outside. She was rooted to her spot still holding the dresses. "Ethan?"
"Hey. Can I talk to you?" She seemed in all ways confused but there was no harm in talking to him. Cassie was around anyway and that was half as bad as it was good. "Of course. Come in." Ethan walked past Cassie's glaring eyes and moved on to hand Veronica the flowers. She realized she had still been holding the clothes and she threw them on the couch to take the  flowers from Ethan. She asked him to have a seat before excusing herself to put the flowers in water. She could feel the intense atmosphere between Cassie and Ethan and she failed to understand why she was being nice to him. It also didn't cross her mind to get dressed. Besides, he had already seen it all.
Cassie on the other hand stood her arms folded on her chest staring directly at Ethan. He had to avoid her eyes and it was all quite uncomfortable. "Would you like something to drink," she asked and right before he could say anything she added, "poison maybe?" He stopped himself from saying anything and thankfully, Veronica got back just in time. She saw the look Cassie was giving Ethan and knew how he must have felt. She herself had gotten them once in a while. "Cassie?" she called out politely with a smile that was only partly genuine,"could you give us a moment please, alone." Cassie did not budge and Vee had to plead with her. "Please." She sighed, letting her hands go and turning to Veronica, "fine. But when I'm back, he better be gone. I'm going to buy groceries." Cassie left banging the door behind her in anger. The moment she was gone things felt awkward but she was not going to let it show. "So...what's up?"
"Can you sit down first, please." All this got Vee curious and confused. What did he want to talk about anyway? "What's going on?"
Ethan was determined to set things straight even though he had no idea how or where to begin. He sat beside her making her tense up a bit and he held her hand when he noticed this. "I know you wanted the truth about why I went silent on you and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier..." Veronica held up her hand to stop him releasing the other hand he had been holding. "I thought we let that go already. What's all this about?"
"I know we did but I don't intend to keep you in the dark any longer. That's why I'm here Vee." She looked at him failing to understand him, how he worked. One moment he was the most secretive person and the next he wanted to pour out everything to her. Why now?
"Vee,you were right," he said looking deep into her eyes and in a way holding her to the spot. "I do want you back and I realize that now. The gift was an excuse to grab your attention and I know..."
"Wait Ethan just wait," she got up from the couch having not expected what she had heard from Ethan. For the longest time she had wanted to hear him say this. To admit that he was wrong. To want her, but now that he did, it felt so wrong. She was healing from him and he was now showing up to disrupt all that. She abruptly turned to him getting him to fully focus on her.
"What makes you think you'll get to show up here, say all that and I'll just forgive you. What? Am I supposed to hug you and act like you're the best thing in my life? No Ethan. If that's what you hoped for, forget it. It's not going to happen." Ethan got up to reach out to her but when she backed away, he stopped. "I know you're beyond mad at me but I am genuinely sorry for what I did to you Vee. I'm ready to do anything it takes for you to forgive me."
"Anything?" She asked him with her intentions written all over her face. "How about you leave me alone. Go away from here and forget I exist. Can you do that for me?"
In the true sense, this was far from what she wanted and almost as if he knew this too, he moved closer to her. With each step he made towards her,she moved back up untill she was pinned against the wall. She felt butterflies in her stomach and felt anxious under his scrutinizing gaze. "Look into my eyes and tell me that's what you want." Holy Christ,his voice sounded so sexual right now. How much longer was she supposed to resist the urge to just pounce on him and devour this son of a woman. She involuntary bit her lower lip making his gaze turn to them,her soft pink lips and she became self conscious and stopped. "Look at me and tell me that you want me gone Veronica and I promise I will leave."
She couldn't do it and looking into his eyes, her heart was racing. Perhaps he too could hear it considering how close they were. She lost all control suddenly putting her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. It felt as though she was kissing a big time crush of hers for the first time and his response was to die for. The towel she had draped around her body was loose and it dropped to the ground. He was in awe of her body and he appreciated it, first with his hands then his lips. He planted kisses all over her body moving his hands down as he slipped his fingers into her wet pussy. She bit her lip to stop herself from moaning and he seemed to enjoy every bit of it. He teased her, fingering her clit as her eyes rolled back in ecstasy of his touch. Her mind was blank and all she felt was pure pleasure. The only thing between them were his clothes which she so badly wanted to take off of him. He was hard and she felt it. She felt him on her. It made her even more excited to know that she had an effect on him then suddenly, as if to ruin the moment, she thought of Chris. What was she doing? Was she actually going to cheat on her boyfriend with her ex? Veronica was anything but a cheater so why in the world was she doing this, and not to mention with Ethan of all the people on earth, completely naked. She pushed him away abruptly and aware of her nakedness she picked up the towel and covered herself. Ethan was caught aback  failing to understand her reactions. "I'm sorry Ethan I don't know what came over me."
Why was she apologizing? This was all going wrong. It almost felt as if she was warming up to him again only for her to drift even further now. What did he do wrong? Was he perhaps coming in too strong?  "Vee I'm..."
"Ethan please leave," she interrupted, "I'm sorry for what just happened. I shouldn't have but I'm asking you to please leave."  Ethan was about to say something when Cassie got in. Veronica moved away to widen the questionable distance between them before Cassie could say anything. "Should I go back?" Cassie asked feeling as though she was interrupting their privacy judging from the look on their faces. "No Cass,"she said looking at him," Ethan was actually just leaving."
He had no choice, Veronica was clearly not going to hear him out and he left. Veronica closed the door behind him and leaned on it closing her eyes. She felt guilty for what happened but her body begged to disagree. She had a tingling sensation all over and her mind was reminiscing everything as it had been. His touch, the taste of his lips,his hands all over her body and for a moment she forgot that Cassie was in the room. She opened her eyes to find her watching her intently and without a word went to the bathroom. Cassie knew something had happened and she was going to find out herself. She had in mind exactly how she would from Veronica.

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