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Veronica went back to the hospital to see Ethan after making sure Esther was gone. She knew she would have to explain why she and Chris broke up and at the same time break the news about who tried to kill him. She just prayed that he would not press charges and Chris would not be in trouble because despite everything, she felt somewhat responsible for Chris'actions towards Ethan. She should have stayed away from him in the first place.

She stepped out of her car and made her way to the hospital doors when suddenly she was surrounded by flashy camera lights and a group of paparazzi bombarding her with questions she barely had a chance to answer.

"Miss is it true you were cheating on your fiance?...Did you really get back together with your ex?... Who broke off the engagement? ... We're you only after Chris Thompson's money?... Has everything been an act?... Rumour says you've never been intimate with your fiance is this true?..."

Veronica was taking things lightly trying to find a way to get away from the cameras but the last question asked she felt was a bit too far. That was her private life, they had no right to ask her such a thing whether it was just a rumor or not. She had seen the person who had asked her the question. He was an average guy probably looking for some hot story to boost his career.

"What's your name?"

"Me?"he asked looking around him I'd it was anyone else.

"Yes you..."

"Nate,"he said excited probably thinking he had grabbed her attention and would have the honor of having his answers.

" about I ask you how many times you fuck your girlfriend and write about it? Then let the public rate your performance and tell you exactly what you should do with your relationship?Would it make you happy?"

Nate was quiet.

"My private life is not for you to write about in the hopes that your boss gives you a promotion at work and raises your salary. It's my life!! You want to write about rumors, fine. Go ahead. But don't you dare come question me on things you have zero facts about. Get your answers from whoever it is planting all those ideas in your heads."

A guy in a hoodie suddenly came from behind her, grabbed a her and found a way to get her out of the crowd punching the reporters who would not get out of their way. Soon enough they were safe behind the closed hospital doors and she had to catch her breath. The man removed his hood and she found out it was her stepbrother.

"Jake?! What are you doing here?"

"We came to see you after dad told us what happened..."

"We? Yeah. Gia and I. She insisted on wanting to see you."

"Ronnie your head is bleeding," Jake said noticing the blood trickling down her forehead on the side.

She had not felt anything before but now that she touched it and saw the blood, she probably just freaked out a bit and that was why she felt the pain.
It was not a deep wound and she had no idea what caused it. All she wanted to do was see Ethan and get away from the public eye and the cameras flashing at her from outside.

They went to Ethan's room where Gia was as they chatted away with Ethan who had finally gotten up from his bed and was seemingly much better in his change of clothes. He was getting discharged. The moment Jake and Veronica got in, Ethan had a horrified look on his face seeing Veronica. He swiftly moved to her barely giving her time to say anything.

"Jesus Christ Veronica!! You're bleeding. What the hell happened?"

"It's nothing serious. I'm fine."

"No you're not. Sit," he led her to the bed and made her sit before sending Jake to get a nurse.

Gia watched them both and could tell that they clearly loved each other a lot even though Veronica had opted to get engaged to someone else. She did not exactly like Chris even without having met him but this other guy seemed better and it was easy getting along with him and even making conversations.

"What happened?"

"Just some reporters trying to get something to write about... I just can't believe Chris would spread all those lies to save himself before it got out."

"So... you're not together anymore?"

"No ..but there's something you need to know," Veronica sighed finding no better way to tell it to Ethan, she also had no idea what his reaction would be but she had to tell him.

"Chris was the one who was following you. He planned your accident because he knew I was seeing you."

Ethan did not say a word and she was trying to read him, figure out his reaction when the nurse came in to stitch her wound. He looked at her with a look that made her question what exactly he was thinking because it did not seem good. He then held her hand for a moment before he got up and left.

She could not try to stop him even though she knew one thing for sure, he was going to find Chris and knowing Ethan's rage, they were definitely going to fight.
Once she was done at the hospital, she left to go find Ethan and noticed that he had taken her car keys. It had already been forty minutes since he left so he was most definitely already at Chris' place and assuming that Chris was avoiding the press , he had to be home. She could not help but think of the worst.

As if fate read her predictions, Gia rushed into the room and handed Veronica a live video she was watching without saying a word and watched as her sister's face changed to worry. Ethan was cuffed and was being moved to a police vehicle. He had bruises but not as much as Chris who came behind him except he was moved to an ambulance not a police car.

"He's seriously not even that hurt. Do they have to be so dramatic? An ambulance?" Gia commented hoping to divert Veronica's attention for a second.

Ethan had barely spent an hour after being discharged and now he was being arrested. That too with bruises from a fight he had with Chris.

She knew just how much the press would make a big deal out of it. Not to forget Mrs Thompson who would blow things out of proportion to defend her son. They were definitely going to court with it unless she reached out to Chris to find a way and stop it.

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