Chapter 9

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3rd person's POV

"Midoriya, me and Bakugo tried all samples available in this planet and they are nowhere near the fuel substance that's necessary." Shinso says, walking next to Izuku and showing him the moniter.

"Not at all?" Izuku questions worriedly, he receives a small no in response making him sigh.

"I really hoped things wouldn't be this difficult and we'll end up in Milky way in no time.. guess we'll have to wait then.." Izuku sadly says. 

Shinso walks away to the group too inform about the status and sees everyone's face drop.

"Let's not worry about that now! We still need to spend all these tokens!" Kaminari cheers, pulling the group too various shops.

Izuku ends up purchasing a lot that day, he bought a lot of clothes (mainly) and some basic food items to last them probably another 5 months (crazy, isn't it?)

The food was of a lot of varieties, even though earth cuisine was less and not that good, they found a lot of cuisines from Milky Way thankfully.

Basic fruits and vegetables looked a little dry and stale, but the group wasn't in a place to complain so they bought what they got.

"Can anyone cook here?"

"I can." Katsuki replies, picking basic spices for cooking. They had utensils back in the spaceships, just basic ones like pans, plates and bowls.

The entire group was being able to have food at Aeëtes before the planet closed for the day, forcing everyone out.

"Wow.. that was an awesome meal.." Kaminari whispers dreamily, as he pats his now full stomach.

"I did too! We spent all of our tokens, right? Each token is only valid for a single day, you can't use the same one for the next day.." Kirishima asks, recieving a nod from Izuku.

"You need not worry about that dumb hair, broccoli over here spent everything on 'aesthetic clothing'." Katsuki chimes in, smirking at Izuku.

"It was one specific t-shirt! It looked good, okay? I just wanted a good looking sovereign from here." Izuku huffs, walking faster.

Katsuki chuckles to himself, walking faster to catch up with Izuku.

"You're easy to rile up, did someone ever tell you that?" He questions watching Izuku's face turn sour.

"No.. do you think I'm easy to anger?" Izuku questions, to which he receives a nod, "Well, let's see." Izuku challenges, stepping into the spacecraft.

"Your hair looks like the top of a broccoli!" Katsuki calls out, smiling when he hears Izuku drop everything and stomp up to him.

"My hair looks so much better than the top of a broccoli." The younger threatens, pointing an accusing finger at Katsuki.

"You think?"

"I know. Besides your hair looks like a porcupine!" Izuku huffs out, pointing at Katsuki's messy hair.

Katsuki let's out an offended gasp. "Excuse you? A porcupine? Oh hell no, mine looks so much better." He says, ruffling his hair.

"You think?" Izuku mockingly imitates Katsuki.

"I know." Katsuki replies with a cocky smile.

"Whatever. Yours still look like a porcupine!" Izuku adamantly yells, trying to walk away only to get pulled back by Katsuki.

Katsuki gets hold of Izuku's hand and forcefully brings it up to his hair, making the younger feel it.

"Oh.. your hair is so.. soft" Izuku mumbles under his breath, threading his fingers through the elders hair and petting it.

Katsuki smiles seeing Izuku's eyes go wide. "Does it still look like a porcupine to you?" He questions, letting his arms fall to his sides.

"Well.. it looks like porcupine but feels like velvet. It feels like.. I could touch it all day." Izuku finishes in awe.

Katsuki raises an eyebrow at the remark, just then someone awkwardly coughs behind them. 

"Uh-.. sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything-". Shinso starts, awkwardly rubbing his nape.

Katsuki frowns, harshly removing Izuku's hand from his hair and walking away, purposefully knocking Shinso's shoulder on his way.

"It's.. it's alright Shinso, what were you about to say?" Izuku nervously questions, stealing secret glances at the corridor to see if Katsuki was there.

"Right.." Shinso continues, showing different levels of resources that him and Katsuki had managed to get from Aeëtes.

They hadn't been able to acquire any information about the other planets, but Aeëtes had a lot of resources too.

Things like basic metals and liquid oxygen was found in Aeëtes, but thankfully they weren't in need of it (yet)

"So if we ever need any of these, we could just go back to Aeëtes, play some random games, win tokens and get them."

"Great.. also- wait what" Izuku just starts to explain something when his feet raise up, without his permission.

"Um.. Shinso, do you have me under your control? Is this you?" Izuku questions, pointing at his feet.

Shinso shakes his head, pointing at his legs which were floating too. "Um.. Midoriya.. I think, something is wrong"

Izuku slowly releases the grip he had on the chair, only to find him immediately float. "Woah-"

"Midoriya! Shinso! Why am I floating?" Kaminari questions, entering the room upside down, hitting his head at the ceiling a couple times.

"Midoriya, I think the artificial gravity levels are messed up.." Kirishima says from the corridor, where he was holding onto a door ledge to stop himself from floating.

"Control your actions and think of it like swimming." Izuku replies, 'swimming' away to the control room, only to find Todoroki and Katsuki right behind him.

"The artificial gravity?" Todoroki simply questions, making Izuku nod.

All three of them start working on fixing it, mainly Izuku doing the physical work and letting the others guide him through it.

He notices a lever look like it wasn't completely open. When Izuku opens it, the gravity immediately restores making him fall down on his feet (thankfully) just like Todoroki and Katsuki.

They hear a loud "Ahhh! Fuck!" From the other side.

"Right.. Kaminari was floating near the ceiling.." Izuku sheepishly says with a small shrug.

"Oh god this is exactly why you don't take a spaceships which hadn't passed beta testing."

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