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3rd person's POV

"Had fun dancing with your lover?" Alice immediately questions as they enter through the dock, removing their suit.

"Holy shi- you scared me for a second there, I'm not used to you yet, don't do that!" Katsuki exclaims, dramatically holding his chest.

Alice was sitting on a rolling chair with sunglasses for some reason. Todoroki then walks over to her with a cup, also wearing sunglasses.

"You're weird."

"Thank you, we take pride in it." Todoroki swiftly replies, pulling out another rolling chair to sit next to Alice. 

"Midoriya? You'll take charge now?" Kaminari immediately questions with mixed feelings.

"Uh- yes, Kaminari, even though I gave you permission to operate the ship, you aren't officially licensed, so it would be illegal for you to drive to earth." Izuku explains, patting Kaminari's back.

"No no no, it's okay! You're the leader after all, I just wanted to know." Kaminari explains with a grateful smile.

Kaminari couldn't believe how he used to hate Izuku back then. He just couldn't accept a human being their leader but as time went by... Izuku proved himself to be the best leader they could've asked for.

He understood everybody, at least tried to understand. Even though he was too work oriented and expected perfection in everything, they sure worked with it.

He helped everyone on board, with not just physical attributes but also mentally.

He completely changed Kaminari's views on a human. He helped Katsuki come out of his hate towards Shinso. He helped Shinso understand how everyone could be worthy of something. He taught Kirishima and Todoroki to not get influenced easily.

They were all really grateful to him. Actually, they were all really grateful to each other. They had bought the best out of people.

And now, Alice was coming back with them! They couldn't have been more happier for the couple. Todoroki and Alice looked so adorable with each other.

"Let's start." Izuku mumbles turning on all the engines and checking them. The feeling of nostalgia slowly settles in, making them all slightly teary as they stare at the planet's for one last time.

"I want to go back but... This place is so beautiful." Shinso murmurs, closing his eyes tightly, preventing the tears that were about to slip out.

"It's changed everyone here. I hope we get to travel around like this as a team and... Once I get older and the spaceship versions get better, I'll come back here." Izuku promises, finally turning on the ship.

"It's just... I have a letter to deliver." Izuku mumbles, sighing as he remembers the little boy. They weren't being able to save him...

The ship goes through a long bumpy ride, traveling like a flash as they all pass through huge galaxies, similiar to when they first reached here.

The planets and stars outside feel like falling stars in their speed. The stars reflect on Katsuki's suit as he heaves a sigh, slowly dropping his head back onto his seat as he waits.

The wait didn't seem long, soon, even at this speed, Katsuki and Shinso were being able to recognise a few galaxies and planets.

Katsuki's fingers start drumming against his seat nervously as Izuku, who sits right next to him, slowly laces their hands together.

"It's okay." Izuku whispers. Katsuki's slowly relaxes, holding Izuku hands tighter than ever.

Shinso excitedly pats Katsuki's chair from the behind when the get closer.

"I know, I know, don't get too excited and waste your energy." Katsuki whispers. Though the sounds outside were too loud, they were all connected with mics and tiny speakers inside their suit, as always.

"We're... Home?" Kirishima asks this time, his voice getting a little wobbly as he controls his tears.

Kaminari was already crying silently, the feeling of going back home hitting too hard on him.

"Is this how the Milky Way looks? It's so... Different and unique... I've never seen anything like this in real life..." Alice mumbles, peeking out of the window as much as her safety belt allowed her to.

"Welcome to Milky Way, Alice." Todoroki announces, slightly teary eyed. He never expected his girlfriend, from a different galaxy to come to Milky Way galaxy with him.

He just liked her so much, he swears he would do anything she asks for. Likewise, Alice knew she would give up her life if Todoroki ever asked, to he honest if any of their friends ever asked.

Soon a huge mass of green and blue comes into view.

"Entering earth's atmosphere in 3, 2, 1." With a huge thud, they start moving towards the planet, their country soon coming into view.

"It looks so beautiful..." Katsuki whispers, watching with wide eyes.

"The ride is gonna get really bumpy, because the gravity is pulling us and our fuel isn't the exact one we used, so our engines aren't doing their best. I suggest you all strap tight."

Alice immediately settles down, clutching onto her seat belt.

Katsuki closes his eyes, sighing. He misses Izuku's skillful landing.

"We're here. Do they know that we are?" Kaminari questions, already getting ready to jump out.

"They do. I asked them for a landing area and they asked us to land here." Izuku explains, already jumping in excitement.

They all knew nothing about what happened in Earth. Something bad or good could've happened and they had no clue.

Everyone gives way to Izuku to open the doors and step out first, making Izuku blush.

When Izuku opens the door, a lot of cheers and congrats are spread. "'Thank you for saving the universe'? Did the news already reach?" Katsuki wonders.

Soon, they all get reunited with their family. Kaminari cries seeing his mother on a wheelchair with her arms spread wide. He runs into them and slowly introduces the others.

Kaminari's mom wasn't happy with Izuku being their leader at first, but she slowly understands how great he is. Especially when Kaminari explains how he saved him.

They all meet each other's parents. Introducing each other. Thank goodness, all of them are in good health.

Alice was quite the centre of attention. A humanoid robot wasn't uncommon, but her natural beauty attracted people.

She had even volunteered to help with research in humanoid robots using her as an example.

When Izuku reunites with his mom, she cries. They both constantly chitter in Japanese and Katsuki awkwardly stands their, looking out for his parents and hoping Izuku would introduce him.

Suddenly, huge hands pull him into a hug from his back. It was his mother, who softly cries into his shoulder. It surprises Katsuki, she never cries, he had never seen her cry.

When they introduce each other as their boyfriends, their parents are nothing but happy for them.

"Everything's finally in place." Katsuki starts as they will towards their board room to meet higher officials regarding the voyage. "So now I'm asking, will you go on a date with me, Izuku?"

"I will. I absolutely will, Kacchan."

Author's note:
Ahhh this book was so fun to write!! Thanks a lot for reading this book guys. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

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