Chapter 22

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3rd person's POV

Ever heard of the saying, 'After every fall, there is a rise'? Izuku completely believes in that. Things between the team has gotten so much better in a span of 2 days.

They were all just weary of each other, didn't know who to trust, they were all basically strangers to each other! You can't really blame them.

Right after the fight, the entire team sat down and had a heartful conversation, they heard stories, achievement and missions of others.

It developed their bond.

Things were finally settling down for them. Izuku was really happy. They were soon getting ready for their departure, but then suddenly, something unexpected happened.

"Can you guys take me with you?" Alice had asked them one evening, looking both a little hopeful and fearful.

"Take you where? To find nitrogen?" Izuku confusedly questions, dropping the things he was packing and walking towards her.

"No like to... Milky Way Galaxy..." Alice mumbles, her voice softly fading away.

"I- uh... You know we can't do that Alice.."

"Why not?" Alice asks, getting desperate as time passes. She really wanted to leave this wretched place where she didn't even recieve basic respect.

"Because- like look! You belong here! And like, I know Milky Way or just any galaxy in general seems to develop your curiosity but it's dangerous. For you."

"But- it's even worse here! Thy tried to dismantle me so many times you don't understand!" Alice screams, gaining the attention of others in the ship.

"They did what to you?" Kaminari asks, feeling rage. How can they do that? Alice was like the best person— oh robot ever!

"I'm broken guys! I can't be fixed. I keep getting issues that they think it's just better to dismantle me and use my hardwares on other new robots. But- but I don't want to die! I... wanna live like y'all and enjoy the world! I wanna be free!"

Izuku thought he heard his heart literally breaking. She was... different. He couldn't understand why nobody was accepting that.

Alice wasn't some random robot, she was special, unique and has her to own identity unlike most robots who generally just have advanced coding.

"You know what. You ain't going anywhere, if we're gonna killed trying to kidnap you or something, it's fucking fine. Broccoli will take care of it." Katsuki sternly says with no way of back talk.

"My hair does not look like a broccoli, Kacchan."

And the day goes by just like that. Soon it was time for departure. They were dropping Kirishima and Kaminari first at Planet no.1.

The name of the planet was a bit too difficult to pronounce so Izuku simply named them with numbers instead, even though Kaminari suggested the name 'Sponge' because the planet looked like a spongy cake.

They all had chosen a slight time difference with huge soil content planets to make it easier for all of them.

Kirishima, Shinso and Bakugo were all put in different teams with random partners because those three had a better sense of what they are doing. They have better experience on exploring new planets.

And besides, Alice was coming with them! She said she can slip away quite easily and that she wouldn't have a problem until the security notices her in the ship.

The previous times she tried to escape, she had taken up a seperate spaceship and was caught due to her license. 

"Oh Alice, why not get your search machine fixed by Midoriya? I mean, he's an engineer." Todoroki had blurted one day.

Alice was more than happy to get it fixed, Izuku was slightly worried as he had never worked on a robot, but he knew the basic structure and engineering so he did give it a try.

"Let's get you scaned first and then we can find the issue!"

During the scan, Izuku found something unexpected.

"What the fuck?" He looks over the scans again just to make sure, "Kaminari! Did you scan yourself instead of Alice?"

Kaminari was in-charge of scanning Alice while Izuku sat on the desk getting them processed.

"What? No of course, do you want me to do it again?"

"Yes please."

There were no changes. Now, Izuku was so sure Kaminari was pranking him. The third time he did the scanning himself.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Alice are you a robot or not?" Izuku unexpectedly questions.

"What- of course she is. Why do you doubt that?" Shinso questions, walking in with Katsuki.

The two had made up and were working on classifying the planets together. Even though they did have arguments, it didn't last long.

"Because- look at this!" Izuku flings the papers towards the others, including Alice.

"Why the fuck does a robot have a digestive system? And a circulatory system too?" Katsuki looks at them in awe. Was Alice a robot or an actual person, like she can't be named human, obviously and the word alien just doesn't suit her, she isn't an unknown creature.

"The heart and memory chip are artificial, everything else is natural." Izuku explains, "Alice... You actually have a life? I mean like... You can live freely and- they don't have any rights to own you! Do they?" Izuku excitedly questions.

"I... I don't really know... They don't? That would change- so many things!" Alice exclaims with silent tears.

Never in her entire robot life had she thought this would be an option. She just though she would be doing her job until the day they get fed up and dismantle her. She thought that would be her fate.

But thank goodness.

"No wonder you aren't a robot." Katsuki scoffs. She was crying- like a human with feelings! There's been so many circumstances where something similar had happened.

She was safe to travel with them now. Even if they hold them against, Izuku could negotiate— more like threaten them to let her go.

Soon, it was time for take off. The team had already availed permission from the planet's headquarters. Since the group had no black marks against them and their main purpose was tourism, nobody doubted them.

Alice was free.

Author's note:
Idk what this chapter was lol

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