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"Why are they staring, Bob?"

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"Why are they staring, Bob?"



The Hard Deck bar was crowded.

Victoria felt out of place as everyone walked around as if in a school gym. Cheers were heard and drinks clicked.

The blonde didn't want to be there, but her new friend texted her to come. And, Victoria didn't want to seem like a неудачник. (Loser)

The girl almost left from just the sheer anxiety of being in there, but an arm going around her waist held her in place. She tensed but realized who it was once she heard her laugh.

"Victoria!" Pheonix almost shouted. The blonde smiled timidly back.

"Hello, Pheonix." Her voice was monotone. The girl tried her hardest to sound happy, but more cheers made her feel uncomfortable.

Another shout, "You look great." The girl was being held out at arms-length to be looked at.

Victoria was currently wearing a white tank top and black jeans, "What is special about my outfit?"

The brunette just laughed and dragged her over to the back of the bar. The number of people pushing her made her flushed and she felt queasy.

When they finally made it out of the herd, Victoria saw what was on the other side.

There were bar seats and a blue pool table in between the wall and the bar. There was at least six people around the table.

"Alright, alright." A blonde man spoke with a tan uniform on, "If I win, you owe me a date with your sister."

A man with honey-skin yelled, "Hell no!" This made everyone around them laugh.

"Guys!" Everyone's head snapped towards Pheonix and Victoria. The girl blushed a little from the attention and everyone analyzing her, "This is Venus." She was about to continue to speak, but the blonde man from before came up to her.

"Hangman." He held out his hand and Victoria shook it. She may be afraid of attention, but that doesn't make her scared of one on one. "Say, what's your real name, beautiful?"

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