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three - Rooster learns Venus doesn't like to get yelled at.

three - Rooster learns Venus doesn't like to get yelled at

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"You don't stand a chance, Phe."



"Did Payback say he wanted to see me, what was it called, go ballistic?"

Those words made Rooster freeze and look up at Payback who was also listening. The whole room went dead silent as they listened to their conversation while glaring at the man.

"What do you mean you told her to go ballistic?" Hangman asked. His back was up against a desk, with his arms folded.

The whole room was messy. Empty desks were everywhere you looked, but at the far wall of the room, sat a mantle with a radio on top. A brown, scratched-up couch was in front of it, but most pilots took it up.

So, that left Rooster standing up, leaning against the wall by the door. Hangman was only a few feet away, behind the couch, leaning against a desk.

The man who they were all glaring at, was sitting in the middle of the sofa.

Fanboy was the first to yell, "What does that even mean?"

"She's going to die!" Bob yelled out over the radio, making Payback jump up. He threw his hands up in mock surrender.

"Listen! It's her thing, her stunt. She does this every time. So, don't worry."

Rooster pushed off the wall, "How do you know this, Payback?" The man stammered, trying to think of an excuse, "That's right, you don't."

Everyone in that room seemed to care for the new pilot. Even if some never admitted it (Hangman), they all heard of her talents and wild missions. So, they knew she was great.

Some, have never spoken a word to her, but they all cared for her. She was a part of their team if they wanted it or not.

"Where the hell are you, Venus?"

Everyone listened intently, trying to see if the girl survived her little trick.

Rooster's palms were sweaty and he felt a little queasy. He knew the girl would survive.

The boy and the girl quickly became friends and Rooster would not change that for the world. He never became close to someone after his mother died and he got held back for four years, but Venus seemed to weasel her way into his heart.

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