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twenty-two - What did Hamilton say about forgiveness?

twenty-two - What did Hamilton say about forgiveness?

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"Damn, we make an amazing team, Venus." Bones wrapped an arm around the girl and continued to walk with her to the building where all the other pilots were.

Venus laughed along with the man, "We really do."

The duo stopped once they saw Maverick walk up to them, "Nice job, pilots." He had a genuine smile on his face that made Venus smile back at him, "But, I gotta ask, how'd you know I was under you in the first half?"

The three of them walked together, with Venus in the middle, "Well, I just thought about what–"

Bones threw his hand on Venus's mouth, making everyone stop walking, "Sorry, sir. But, a magician never reveals his tricks."

All three of them laughed and Maverick threw up his hands in mock surrender, "I understand. I'm excited to see what you guy's do next time to try to defeat me." The duo pilots nodded, "But, I won't be going easy on you next time."

Bones threw a hand on his heart, "I'm sincerely hurt that you think we were trying our hardest."

Venus nodded, "We were only using a quarter of our talents, captain."

The three made it to the door to the hangar, "Well then, Venus. I'm excited to see you guys do push-ups."

"Sir, trust me." Venus started as Maverick walked down the corridor, "You will never see me get down on the floor."

She heard Maverick laugh as he turned a corner. The two began to walk down the same hallway and Venus leaned closer to Bones, "That was me at a hundred percent, Colton."

Bones nodded, fearfully, "Me too."

The two walked to the lounge room where you can hear the pilots talking during their training. There were two couches facing each other, a foosball table, and a small bar in the corner. The radio was set up on the bar counter.

As the two walked in, everyone clapped for them, causing the two to do bows. Venus laughed and walked over to Hangman who was sitting on the couch, making her sit on the arm of it. She could see Rooster by Pheonix and Bob who were sitting on the bar stools.

"Nice, Venus. But, I can probably do better." Hangman stated, making Payback and her scoff.

Payback spoke up for her, "I'd like to see you try." Venus laughed along with the man.

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