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twenty-one - Habitual gestures

twenty-one - Habitual gestures

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"He is against the rules. I like him."



Victoria Petrov walked onto the hangar that she used to step on every day six years ago. She was happy to be back; have a mission. The girl wasn't scared to be flying again, it was one stupid accident.

She walked to where Bones was sitting, the girl thought it was best to sit next to her duo partner. They were sitting behind Hangman; Bambi and Dino were sitting across from them.

Bones nudged the blonde, "Ready to beat my wife, Ria?" When she said Hangman told Greyson to call her 'Ria', she meant the whole group.

Venus laughed at her friend, "I thought that was illegal in U.S.?" Bones rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.


Before Venus could reply, a man with graying hair and striking eyes walked to the podium in the front. He looked at them in the eyes and began to speak, "Welcome to your special education continent. This is Admiral Bates." He sighed, "You're all Top Gun graduates. You are elite pilots. You are the best of the best." Venus felt a small smirk rise to her face, "The enemy's new 5th generation fighter jet has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but now its technological can rest assured that we don't have it. Success is now more than ever, attached to a woman or a man inside a box. Half of you will pass the elimination. One of you will be designated as the mission leader. The remaining half will remain as reinforcements." Venus knew she wouldn't be a reinforcement, she was the best out of the best. She feels as if her accident made her, even more, stronger, even if she hasn't stepped onto an aircraft in about a year, but she will go harder than ever.

"Your instructor is also a Top Gun graduate. He has real-world experience in every mission you are expected to master. Their achievements are legendary. He is widely regarded as one of the best pilots this program has produced."

Venus turned around to spot the nobody they threw out from the bar. She quickly squeezed her eyes, trying to figure out if she was dreaming. But, as she reopened them, the same man was still walking to the podium.

She heard Hangman mumble, "Oh my god."

They were fucked.

Their new leader walked to the podium as the man up front spoke again, "What they teach you can make the difference between your death and your life. Introducing Captain Pete Mitchell. Callsign, Maverick."

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