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nine - Boy, that sure was weird.

nine - Boy, that sure was weird

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"Shut it."



An arm tightened around Venus's waist, making her groan. The girl had been so tired, not even realizing another person was in her bed.

Her head was pounding as she tried to open her eyes. The girl's eyes felt stuck together with glue as she tried to open them.

The arm around her squeezed her stomach, making her lungs constrict. Her breath stopped as she realized there was someone actually in her bed and the said person had their legs tangled with hers.

'Please not Rooster, or Hangman. No Rooster or Hangman, please.'

Venus turned slightly to see the person she didn't want to see the most. Her face grew red as memories flashed through her mind.

'Be a good girl and spread your legs.'

If the girl could, she would disappear right then. She tried to move his arms, but they just tightened around her.

Venus could feel his breath on the back of her neck, "M'tired." She could feel him loosen his arms, causing her to quickly get as far away from him as possible. Her legs almost gave up on her, causing her to stumble.

The girl gripped her head to try to stop its thumping. Venus grabbed the 'NIRVANA' shirt she wore yesterday, throwing it on. She scampered around, trying to find her phone through the clothing materials thrown on the floor.

"What happened?" His voice was croaky from it being so early. Rooster leaned up on one arm, the other holding his head. All of a sudden, he got a good look at her and suddenly remembered. The man quickly sat up and ran through his hair with his hands, "Me a-a-and you--we, uhm-"

Venus stood up straight with her hands on her hips, "Yes, Birdman." Her face grew red, giving her away, but her voice stayed strong, "We had sex."

The man gulped, nodding, "Y-yes. We had..."


"Sex, right." Rooster stood up, grabbing his clothes, "Now, what are we going to do about this?"

Venus looked anywhere, but his eyes, "We will pretend none of this happened."

The girl didn't want it to end, but it would be too complicated. She had to go back to Russia to take care of her mother. While, he stayed, living out his dreams. It would never work.

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