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eighteen - Venus is packing up her crayons and leaving.

eighteen - Venus is packing up her crayons and leaving

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"Forest fire in Louisiana."




Victoria used to think about what would happen if she ever saw Bradley again. Would she punch him? Yell at him? Ignore him?

How would she feel? Venus always thought if she saw him again, she would only feel spite and disgust toward the man. But, instead, she felt nothing. Like she never knew who he was. As if they were total strangers. But, she knew they had to work together, so may as well talk, right?

She's ready for this, right?

"Bradshaw? Before me?" Venus heard Hangman say. The girl told her best friend everything, every single thing they said to each other. It was hard not to when he told you about his embarrassing high school hook-up with a freshman, of course when he was a senior.

Venus heard Bradley laugh, "Hangman? You look good." His voice got even deeper somehow, but he still had his pedo-stache. His white wife-beater clung to his skin like glue and it outlined some of his greater features. He wore the exact same outfit when they met. Venus was getting some serious Deja-vu.

"I'm very good." Hangman stood up straight, almost sizing him up. Jake met eyes with Victoria, before speaking again, "Even, too good to be true."

Payback leaned against the wall, "Does anyone know what this mission is about?"

"Duty is duty."

"It's not a problem for me."

"What I want to know," He pointed towards a few pilots, "Is who will be the team leader, and which of you has what it takes to follow me."

Venus decided it was the right time to make her herself known to him. Her hips swung as she walked over to Hangman, "Hangman, anyone follows you? Immediate death." Mostly everyone laughed at the insult toward Jake. She could feel Rooster's gaze on the side of her head as Jake threw his arm around her shoulder.

"Well, would you look at this? Little Nesting Doll has a voice." Hangman squeezed her cheek with his fingers, making her swat his hands away. He looked towards Rooster with a new glint in his eyes, "Remember last time you flew with me, Rooster?"

Venus remembers when Jake was telling her about it. He told her about how much Rooster wanted to prove himself, and show he was better, but he failed in the end. It almost made her pity the man.

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