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eleven - Does Rooster believe that he fucked up? Yes. Yes, he does.

"Don't give me that crap

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"Don't give me that crap."



"We will pretend none of this happened." That one sentence rang in Rooster's head as he sat in his chair, ready for the day's training.

It was the morning after their, well, the day after they had sex. And, he thought everything went perfect, from what he could remember.

Rooster could remember the taste of alcohol and the way her hips moved. How her moans sounded in his ears and how Venus let out a little breath each time he would suck on a specific spot on her neck. How she smelled of peaches and pine trees.

But most significantly, He remembered how he felt in her presence.

Rooster felt secure when he was with her. He felt happy, happier than he has been in a long time.

So, when she spoke her words, it hurt him. He didn't know what he wanted, but he knew he wanted to be with her. The few days leading up to the off-day, he was already thinking of her.

The way her lips curved when she smiled, and each time she laughed, her nose would crinkle. When she couldn't say some English words because of her accent, she would look at Rooster, asking him to say them for her.

It's been ten weeks since they first met. For seventy days they have known each other, and Rooster never got sick of her.

The way she blushed and the way she did a little jump every time she got excited. Everything about her made him happy.

So, as Venus sat next to him, he kept looking at her, trying to find a reason why she wouldn't want to continue doing what they started.

But, the girl never glanced her way.

Then later that day, when they were supposed to be flying together, he saw Hangman with his arm around her. It made him boil up with jealousy.

Rooster should've been the one to walk onto the runway with her, laughing with her. They were best friends, not strangers.

Once again when he tried to get her attention, she wouldn't look his way.

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