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sixteen - Gotta get lost in the sauce.

sixteen - Gotta get lost in the sauce

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"Not in my presence, Seresin."



They were called, die sensenmänner. In English, they were The Reapers.

The Reapers consisted of Venus, Bones, Dino, Bambi, and Hangman. They were practically unstoppable. Their first mission together led them to bring down a whole base in the middle of nowhere by killing at least eighty-five fighter pilots.

After that, they got a dozen more missions together, leading them to their name.

The five pilots were together and forged a bond that none other could.

Soon enough, the five walked home from the Hard Deck. Venus was attached to Hangman's side as they drunkenly sang, 'American Pie.' Bambi quietly walked next to them, giggling each time Venus stumbled or Hangman burped. Dino and Bones were walking ahead of them, holding hands. These were the five Reapers.

The Zade's house wasn't far from the bar, actually, it was only about a two-mile walk. The house was huge compared to Venus's home. It was on the beach front and had a huge deck to sit out and lounge in. Their kitchen was more modern and their living room had a long couch and two armchairs.

There were four bedrooms and three and a half baths. There were three stories, counting the basement full of games and a liquor bar. A balcony from the master bedroom looks out onto the beach. It really was a beautiful home.

The five walked into the home quietly, Greyson was supposed to be asleep and Colton's mom was taking care of him. They closed the door behind them, Venus and Hangman were trying to keep in their giggles as Bambi silently cursed at a creak in the hardwood flooring.

Colton's mom came into view with a sweet smile on her face. Venus loved Colton's mom, Alice. She was sweeter than anyone and she quickly became like Venus's second mother. The woman had greying, blonde hair with pale skin. She wore rectangle glasses and small gold earrings.

Alice's quiet voice rung throughout the open floor plan, "Greyson was great like always. He went to sleep around eight." Bones quickly thanked his mother and hugged her. Dino went upstairs to probably check up on him and Bambi went to grab water from the kitchen. Alice walked over to the two best friends and hugged them both. She held them both at arm's length, "How are my two favorite pilots?"

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