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twenty-eight - Our old friend, death.

twenty-eight - Our old friend, death

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Venus woke up with a groan. All she could think of was the pain she was in. Her head felt like it split into two and it felt as if death by a thousand cuts doesn't actually kill someone.

But, as she finally opened her eyes, she saw fire. The fire was roaring in front of her and when she tried to move, she couldn't. The girl realized she was still strapped into her ejection seat and immediately unbuckled herself.

Venus tried to stand up, but a pain in her left ankle made her halt her action. Her right eye was clouded over with something, causing the girl to wipe the blood away from her eye that fell from her hairline. The girl groaned and limped around.

"Bones. Bones!" Her voice was hoarse and it seemed as if she hasn't drunk water in days. The girl gave up on calling him callsign, just wanting her best friend to be alive, "Colton, please. Please be alive. Colton!"

The girl's pleas were unheard as she fell to her knees, unshed tears in her eyes. She stared into the destruction with a quivering bottom lip.

"Please, Colton." Victoria whimpered one last time before a sob racked through her body, "I need you to be alive–Greyson needs you to be alive."

She just wanted the comfort of someone by her side. Victoria couldn't go home with Colton, she would rather die than have to look into Elowen's eyes and tell her that the love of her life was dead because of her. Venus wouldn't be able to look Greyson in the eyes without breaking.

Victoria's head fell into her hands, as she kept bargaining with anyone that could hear her.

A quiet groan made Victoria stop her sobs, she immediately looked to her left to see a body on the ground a few yards from her. The girl stood up and limped as fast as she could toward the body, making her feel slightly light-headed, but nothing would stop her from getting to her partner.

"Colton! Colton!" Venus let out a breathy laugh, "You are alive!" She assessed him and he was worse than her.

Blood was gliding down his face and he was holding his side as if he got stabbed. The girl slowly moved his hand, eliciting a groan from him. What she saw almost made her gag. A piece of metal was sticking out of his stomach and cuts were all along his stomach. If she pulled out the metal, he would lose even more blood.

Colton's voice stuck out, "It's not that bad, right?" He tried to put on a smile for her but failed miserably.

Venus kept down a sob at seeing her best friend–who always cheered her up–look so close to death, "You are going to be okay, okay?" The girl wrapped an arm underneath his shoulders so she was supporting him, "We just need to get out of here, okay?" It seemed as if she was trying to tell herself and not him.

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