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WARNING: there is some *inappropriate* actions at the end. You do not have to read.


eight - Venus and Rooster got drunk.

eight - Venus and Rooster got drunk

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"You do not have to worry about me."



Quick note: The phone call will all be in English to be easier to read. But, they are talking in Russian.

The Hard Deck was packed this late at night. People were scattered around, cheering and singing. Drinks clashed together, glasses hit the table, and the record started to go out.

Victoria sat down on a bar seat, waiting for her beer. Her hair was still wet from the water, but it was tameable. The white-tank top she brought was see-through, so Rooster let her wear his shirt. It went down to her mid-thigh, covering her shorts. The shirt was an old, black, band shirt with a yellow smiley face, with its tongue out. At the top of the shirt, were yellow words, reading, 'NIRVANA.'

Some of the pilots were playing pool, while others were standing around talking.

"Here ya go," Penny said as she set down the beer. Venus smiled at her, taking it. "So, why you sittin' here all alone?"

The girl was caught off guard, but soon untensed, "I feel the need to be quiet."

Venus was beyond tired. Her whole day consisted of volleyball, swimming, running, football, and flirting. It was a struggle to even keep her eyes open.

The bartender laughed, "I sometimes feel like that." Penny leaned her forearms on the counter, "Y'know-"

She was cut off by Venus's phone ringing, making the girl flip over the phone that was on the counter.

'мать' (Mother)

The girl quickly jumped out of her seat, grabbing her phone. It almost fell out of her hands as she picked it up so fast.

"Hey, you alright?"

The girl didn't speak for fear of her cursing, so she just nodded and ran out of the bar. She ran out the backdoor, so the beach air was crashing against her face.

Her fingers shakily pressed the green button and put it up to her ear.

All she heard was breathing on the other line before she spoke, "Hello?"

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