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fifteen - The same old drunken song.

fifteen - The same old drunken song

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"No. No. I could never date this big lug."



The Hard Deck bar was crowded.

Victoria no longer felt out of place as she usually did by walking into the building. Cheers were heard, beers clinked, and Venus wanted to join in.

Hangman stood at her side, looking around to see anyone they knew. They had two days before the training for the mission started and the two wanted to spend it in a bar, cheering on their last days of freedom for a while.

Hangman grabbed her hand, pulling her with him. A smell of alcohol wafted into her nostrils, making her feel slightly dizzy. Her ponytail swung as she was getting pulled towards the pilots by the pool table.

"Coyote!" Hangman yelled, running over to hug the man. Coyote laughed and hugged him back. Everyone looked towards who he brought with him, to only see Venus.

Now, if she was still the old Venus, she would blush and try to hide. But, now, she smiled and said a snarky remark, "If you do not hug me right now, I will pull out your engines." Everyone laughed and the group hugged her. She chuckled along with them, when they finally released her, she met eyes with Pheonix. The blonde squealed and ran over to hug her, Pheonix tightening her hold.

Pheonix whispered into her ear, "I've missed you, Venus."

The said girl smiled and pulled away, her hands still holding her shoulders, "I promise you that you have not missed me more than I have you." Pheonix chuckled and was about to pull her in again, but an arm wrapped around Venus's shoulder. The girl already knew who it was based on the muscle and smell of mahogany.

"Hey, just because I've spent three weeks with my girl, doesn't mean that I'm letting you take her." Hangman snarked as he pulled her away and towards the pool table where Fanboy and Coyote were playing.

Payback raised an eyebrow at the two, "You guys datin'?" Everyone turned to look at them, wondering the same. Venus didn't blame them, Hangman just called her his girl and he has an arm draped over her shoulders.

Venus laughed at the thought of them dating, "No, no. I could never date this big lug."

"What? Why?" Hangman grew offended, but Venus just pinched his side, making him release his hold on her.

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