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twenty - How the turn tables have turned

twenty - How the turn tables have turned

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When Rooster first walked into The Hard Deck bar, he was suspecting a random team–except for Pheonix who called him there. But, when he got there, he saw the girl that he had never forgotten.

It's been six years since he last talked to her, but it seems as if he has never changed. Maybe he grew a few rough edges, or a few wrinkles, but he hadn't changed a whole lot. Maybe that's why it was like a slap to the face when he saw how much Venus has changed.

Rooster remembers how he has last spoken to her and it ripped him apart after she left. He was just so upset at how easily she took off, that he never thought from her point of view. If he had gotten a call, he would have taken it, too.

But, when he first imagined what it would be like if they spoke again, he saw himself dropping to his knees, begging for her forgiveness. Rooster would have done anything for her, even nosedive into the steepest of valleys. All she had to was ask.

But, now? It's been six years and as he said, he hasn't changed much, but she has. Venus was louder, bolder. At first, it was like a brand new woman has taken over her body, but as he was in closer proximity to her, he realized she hasn't changed that much.

Venus still had the ability to blush and still had her hyper tendencies. She still twitched her nose whenever she saw something she disagreed with, she still had that glint in her eye that he loved so much.

Bradley remembers laying in bed with her, staring down at her. He remembers how she used to whisper as she spoke whenever it was late out, or when her face hit a ray of sun and it made her eyes a seafoam green. And if he looked close enough, her left eye had a little tint of brown near her pupil.

"Venus?" His voice came out soft and almost smooth.

He was beyond nervous to talk to the girl and he wanted to make sure that she didn't hold a grudge over what happened. Of course, if she did, he would never blame her for it; he said some awful things about her, to her.

Rooster watched how her body tensed and she turned around slowly. He looked down at her green eyes, the eyes he still loves. They were still forest green and it was still his favorite color.

But, that's when he noticed her long scar from her earlobe, to beneath her shirt. He wonders how long it went and how she got it.

"Rooster." Her voice came out smooth like honey. It almost calmed down his breathing for a second, he missed her voice, so much. "How have you been?"

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