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One - Victoria finds out she enjoys shooting people down.

One - Victoria finds out she enjoys shooting people down

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Victoria walked into the room full of people. Tables and chairs were lined in rows; two per table. A whiteboard in the front had a few scribbles on it.

"Venus!" A voice yelled, making the said girl look at the person, "Come sit." The girl patted down the seat next to her.

Victoria walked passed two rows before she reached the girl calling her name, "Hello, Pheonix." She sat down and looked around her.

The seat in front of her held Hangman and another boy. The seat behind her held Payback and another boy she didn't know. She glanced at the rows on her left, there were four rows and each table held somebody.

Rooster was across from her table, sitting alone. This made Venus feel conflicted, should she go say hi? Or, should she chicken out?

No, a voice in her head said. You don't chicken out, that is birdman's job.

Venus said her quick hi to Pheonix and told her where she was going, then walked over to the man.

"Hello, birdman."

The man chuckled, "Still gonna stick with the nickname?"

Her eyebrows furrowed at the metaphor, "How am I going to stick with a name-" Then it dawned on her, "Oh, I know that one."

Rooster smiled up at the girl with a look she has not fully understood, "Here, sit." He pats down the chair next to him, which she obliged. Sure, she was shy and timid, but this is her trying to get out of her comfort zone.

Victoria remembered what her mother always told her, 'If you want to experience something new, you got to change something.'

Venus wanted to experience what it was like with friends.

"What is your favorite color?"


Venus laughed at his confused face, "Pheonix told me it was a great sentence starter for you Americans."

Now, that made Rooster burst out laughing, gaining a few looks, which made Venus blush slightly, "Yes, I guess it is." He paused, "My favorite color is yellow."

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