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twenty-six - Venus feels alright with the world for the first time in a while.

twenty-six - Venus feels alright with the world for the first time in a while

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"He is a pussy."



Victoria Petrov proved to be a talented pilot. She knew exactly what needed to be done and she did it. Her usual captains on missions loved her. They would make her ego bigger than Hangman's and that says something.

"Look, Venus. I'm so sorry." Hangman said for the third time that day as she walked to the runway.

Finally, the girl had enough and turned around, "Look, Jake. You said some real shitty–"

"I know. I said I was sorry."

Venus blinked, "Was I done?" Hangman almost cowered into himself at her tone. Sometimes, the girl was scarier than Maverick, "If you want my forgiveness, you have to do two things for me."

Jake nodded, "Yea, yea, anything."

The girl devilishly smirked, "First, you have to take the blame for teaching Greyson his first swear word," She had to make sure she took it to the grave. Jake nodded, making her continue, "I get to punch you one more time."

Hangman hesitated, but responded, "Then you would forgive me?"

"Well,  we would have to see after, right?" Jake's mouth flew open to argue but stopped himself. A punch to his handsome face is worth their friendship.

"Alright, go ahead."

With no hesitation, the girl's fist flew towards his face, but she stopped it before contact. Venus patted his cheek, making him flinch, and causing her to laugh.

She hummed, "Remember this for next time, Jake." With that, she walked over to her aircraft to start her training. Bones was already waiting for her on the plane.

"You guy's fought it out?"

The girl nodded, "He is a pussy." Bones laughed and closed the cockpit.

Today was the last day of training and both of them breathed in a sigh. They were with Coyote for the day and were sure they were going on that mission.

She was sure that the people on that mission were her, Bones, Rooster, Pheonix, Bob, and Maverick. But, she couldn't be too sure.

The girl flew through the air with ease and took the right turns and cuts where she needed. Coyote was in front of her and they weren't making the best time.

Venus sighed, "We are twelve seconds late. We gotta speed up." Coyote sped up more, but a certain voice rang in her ear.

"Blue team, you're place has been determined." Maverick.

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