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five - What the hell? Venus is in hell.

five - What the hell? Venus is in hell

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"-reckless or careless."



Venus sat in the hangar as everyone listened to their commander. He was going on about their training that day and how they did yesterday at the exercise.

Cobra pointed at a little sketch of an airplane doing a dive, "Fanboy you were almost below deck as you took this dive. If you pulled a second too late, you would've hit the mountain that was in front of you." Venus could see Fanboy look down with an almost embarrassed dignity, "It was reckless and careless."

The Commander kept on giving reports, making every single pilot drop their heads. Then, he finally got to Rooster, "When you flew with Coyote and Omaha, you were cautious and slow. Some Commanders like to see some discretion. Not me." Venus could've rolled her eyes. Did he want them to be reckless or cautious? "You were too slow, would've been dead in seconds if these two were good shots."

Everett 'Cobra' Wyatt was a weird man in Victoria's opinion. He would want you to do something, but in his eyes, he said another. An example is when he told Venus to not fly like an idiot, but in his eyes, he said, 'you are so cool, Venus. Do it again.'

"Alright, everyone. Today is the last day to show me what you got, but instead of going against each other," He looked back at them for dramatic effect, "You'll be going against me."

Everyone looked at each other, confused. Venus was more nervous than confused, he would definitely find something to yell at her about.

"Gear up and let's roll out." With that, the commander left to probably get his gear on.

Pheonix was the first one to find her as they walked to the locker rooms, "So, what do you think of this?"

Venus liked to think she was an optimist, but somehow knew she would rather curl up in a ball than get another lecture.

"You will do good."

Pheonix let out a breath of relief, "Really?"

Venus let out a little chuckle at her friend's face, "Yes, of course, I do." She pushed Pheonix through the locker room door,

"Now, come on. We have a teacher to kill."

When Pheonix and Venus reached the runway, everybody was already there, listening to Cobra.

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