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ten - Bee Stung Heart.

"Good, and you, Hangman?"

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"Good, and you, Hangman?"



"So, what happened with you and Rooster?"

Venus turned around to look at Pheonix. The two girls were currently in the locker room, getting changed for training.

A deep, red blush found its way into the Russian's face, "W-what are you talking about?" She was about to throw on her shirt, but Pheonix stopped her.

"I'm talking about the millions of hickeys on your body." She pointed at the ones on her chest, neck, and even some on her stomach. "Rooster has got to be a vampire or some shit."

"This was not Rooster." The girl tried to sound truthful, but her voice cracks weren't really helping her out. So, Venus decided to try to steer the conversation away from her, "How was the girl from last night?"

Now it was Pheonix's turn to go red, "I have no idea what you're talking about." The brunette turned around and closed her locker, walking to the mirrors. Victoria shoved on her shirt and followed her.

"Oh, come on. When you say something, I talk. When I say something, you do not talk." Venus tried to reason and kept following the girl out of the locker room.

Pheonix sighed when they were about to turn a corner to the hangar, "Listen, the girl was nice and all, but wasn't really my type."

"Type?" The girl scoffed, "The girl was, as Hangman would say, 'smoking hot.'"

The brunette continued to walk toward the hangar, so she would not need to explain, "You need to get ready."

Venus's eyebrows furrowed, "Ready? I am ready."

"Ready to see Rooster and try to kill him?"

Victoria's lip curled into a smirk, "Like I said, Natasha. I am ready."

Hangman walked over to the two girls, throwing his arms on their shoulders, "How are my two beautiful girls doing on this fine day?"

Pheonix threw his arm off her and walked away, "Get over yourself, Bagman."

Unlike her friend, Venus continued to walk with him, "Good, and you, Hangman?"

"Great because you're here." He winked down at her. Venus raised an eyebrow, making the man sigh, "I didn't hook up with anyone last night and something like that ruins a reputation, Blondie."

Venus snorted and patted his chest, "You have not anything to worry about." They continued to walk until they got on the runway. Everyone stood there around their commander and Venus could feel eyes burning into her skull, but she refused to look. "Ready to kick some bird ass?"

Hangman laughed, "I'm ready to do anything with you, Blondie."

With that, they parted ways. Venus walked to the other side of Cobra, where Rooster wasn't.

The girl didn't want anything to change after last night's shenanigans. But, she figured they both needed time to figure out how they felt and how they wanted things to go from now on. Rooster might now want boundaries or not even be her friend at all. Just the thought of never speaking to him again, made her heart clench.

"So, today, I want everybody to try going solo, see how everyone deals with it. I want it two against one. Everyone will be flying an A-4. The first group is Rooster against Hangman and Venus." Venus immediately looked towards Rooster to see him already looking at her. She changed her gaze towards Hangman, to see him smirking at Cobra. "There are no practice rounds. Once you're out there, if you make mistakes, no going back." Cobra placed his clipboard to his side and looked everyone in the eyes, "Alright, what's everyone waiting here for? A pep talk? Go get your asses where you need to be."

Everyone ran where they needed to go, no hesitation needed. Venus speed-walked towards her aircraft, only for her to be pushed against her plane. Her back stung as it hit the cool metal. Venus looked up to see two arms encasing her by her head.

The girl looked at him in his brown, puppy dog eyes, "What are you doing?" A blush crept on her face, even if she tried so hard to keep it down.

Rooster huffed out a breath, staring at her in her eyes, "Why are you ignoring me?"

"I did not want things to be different-"

"Don't give me that crap." Venus could see him getting angry, he clearly was hurt by her actions. "I want to be your friend, Victoria." There he goes again, saying her name. The way he stared down at her and the way his voice was deep, made her feel something twist in her gut, "After what happened last night, I-I-"

She could see his walls begin to crumble, making her grab his hand that was beside her head, holding it. The girl watched how he kept his eyes on their hands, taking in deep breaths to calm himself down, "I am sorry, Bradley." His eyes traveled up to meet hers, "I should not have ignored you, but you have to understand that I did not know what you wanted-"

"-What's with you and Hangman?" The girl was taken back. What has Hangman had to do with anything? "You guys looked close today."

Venus scoffed, pushing him away, going to step into her aircraft, "You are an ass, Rooster."

"What? It just looked so easy for you to sleep with me, why can't I assume you slept with him too?" His words cut her like a thousand knives. The man laughed as if he said something funny as if she was the butt of his joke. This was not her Rooster.

The girl sat down in the cockpit, "You can call me a whore all you want, Rooster. I do not care what you think of me." She closed the top, not wanting to hear what he had to say.

Venus sat there for a couple of seconds, registering what her 'friend' just said to her. She knew if they spoke, it would go badly. So, there she sat, with a lump in her throat, wanting to just go back home to her mother. At least with her mother, she knew what to expect.

"Venus, ready for take-off?" A voice came in through her headpiece. The girl jumped, immediately starting up her A-4.

"Yes. Venus is ready for take-off. I repeat, Venus is ready for take-off."

This was going to be one hell of a flight.

This was going to be one hell of a flight

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