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four - Hey guys, Venus is really trying.

four - Hey guys, Venus is really trying

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"B-Bradley Bradshaw."


Everyone else was flying throughout the rest of the day.

Venus just had to sit in the lounge and listen to everyone laughing and making jokes through the radio.

She was currently sitting at a desk, right beside the couch, listening in. Her arms were folded and she had a pout on her face.

Victoria couldn't believe she had to sit out the rest of the day because of a stupid stunt she pulled. Cobra was being unreasonable, he had to do something like she did when he was young. Everybody did something crazy to land where they were, so what did Cobra do?

"Why does the princess have a pout?" A random man asked. Venus saw him before with Hangman. She thought his name was Coyote.

The girl was angry, not angry at the man, but at her stupid commander. So, did the girl blush like she usually did? No, instead she snarked back.

"I would not talk if I were named after a dog."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and all had slacked jaws. Nobody expected The Venus, to actually talk back to someone.

Coyote tried to get her back for it, "At least I'm not named after a planet."

Rooster inched closer to Venus from where he stood by the wall. She could also see Hangman's smirk as he stepped closer.

Venus sighed, "It is after a plant, dipshit."

Now, that made everyone's eyes widen. She thinks the man is just pressing her buttons to see how far she could go.

Jokes on him, she could go for way longer than he could. Her pent-up anger at Cobra would go straight at Coyote.

"Oh, is it?" Coyote inched closer, making Venus stand up, "Go fuck yourself."

She knew Coyote didn't mean it since he had a small smile on his face. Venus knew he was just trying to get her mad.

From the corner of her eye, she could see Rooster walk up to them, "Hey, hey-" He tried to diffuse the fight, putting his arm in between the two of them.

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