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twenty-five - Howdy do fellow kids.

twenty-five - Howdy do fellow kids

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"This is Rooster, my friend."



"Sir, what is this?" Payback asked as they stood on the beach. The Hard Deck bar was about a few yards away from them.

Venus hasn't talked to Hangman since yesterday, he tried to apologize, but she wasn't having it. He had no right to get personal.

"Dogfight football."

Everyone went on separate teams, ready to play. It was five against five.

One team was Rooster, Venus, Bob, Fanboy, and Bambi. The other team was Hangman, Maverick, Pheonix, Payback, and Fritz. All the others were either in the water or laying in the sand.


Almost immediately, Venus ran to the other side where all her competitors were. She was behind the stupid drawn-in line in the sand that marked the endline. She was getting open for Fanboy to throw it to her, but just as she was about to catch it, Hangman tackled her to the ground. The football hit the sand with a thud.

The girl groaned, "Dickhead."

She could see a purple bruise forming on his cheekbone, it made her smile slightly. The girl got up and Hangman quirked an eyebrow, "What are you smiling at, Blondie?"

The girl shrugged, "That is a nice shiner that I gave you." She walked back over to her team and they talked about a plan to win.

For about the next hour, everyone played football. It was fun and barely anyone got hurt, which was a good thing. It also seemed that Maverick cooled down from yesterday.

As Venus said she needed a break, she walked over to her bag where Dino sat. The girl plopped herself down on the sand and drank her water.

"You played good, Ria." Dino complimented and smiled at the girl. Venus laughed and said a quick thanks, "But, you got to forgive Hangman." Venus's smile fell from her face, "It's taking a toll on everyone."

"It has only been a day."

The blonde nodded, "Exactly. Now, I think you should definitley say you will only forgive him if you hurt him one more time."

Venus laughed, "Why do you want him hurt?"

"He taught Greyson his first swear word."

Now, after realizing Dino's words, she would be keeping the secret that she actually did that, to the grave.

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