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Shushu POV

I have another photoshoot today, this time it is going to be a wedding one. Wedding photoshoots are the prettiest thing I took. They both look happy together, smiling and excited to be with each other forever.

"Congratulations," I said to the new couple. "I wish you a happy married life together." A little girl ran up to me, I think it was their daughter. "Hi there, my name is Shushu."

"I want to be a photographer like you," she said. "My parents said I should chase my dream."

"You should chase your dream," I said. "Work hard and study well then you can become what you want to be. Here I have something for you." I open a box revealing a little camera, she looks happy and excited to show her parents. "Remember to practice every day."

The new couple is ready for their wedding picture including the little girl. Everyone looks happy today and it is not too sunny or cloudy for a couple of pictures. After taking pictures I decided to take my own and post them on Instagram since it was a beautiful day. My caption said Beautiful day for a photo.

It was a beautiful day and not a lot of people are around so I took my chance to get a shot of the beach. I decided to walk on the beach looking at the wedding photo. Sometimes I wish I could find someone who loves and is willing to stay beside me forever.

Jeonghan POV

I woke up early since Scoup wanted to walk around the beach, he said it was a beautiful day. Not a lot of activity is happening at this time but there is one thing that caught my attention, I watched her take the picture of the beach carefully.

"Hyung, what are you looking at," Dino asked. "Are you looking at her?" I immediately snap out after Dino asks, now I want to go back home.

"I'm just looking at the beach," I lied. "Imma head home first." On my way home I saw her again, this time she bought a drink, long brownish wavy hair standing out from everyone else.

"Jeonghan," Scoup said. "I thought you went home." I turn around when Scoup put his arm around my shoulder, there was something about her that caught my attention. I know we have a photoshoot coming up I hope I can see her again. "Let go home, stop making her feel crept out."

When I looked up she went away, I had been standing at the same spot for a long time even making other people feel weird.

"When is our photoshoot?" I ask Scoup. On the way home I didn't say anything else after Scoup told me about our photoshoot. After a scandal that happened long ago, I became more famous. People asked me, Scoup, and Joshua to participate in some magazine covers. Constantly working and traveling overseas I never had time to date anyone or even lay eye on a girl until now. From the way the picture is taken, I think she is a professional photographer so I looked her up on Instagram. A lot of professional photographers' accounts but I don't know her name but I saw one that could be her, the latest post is at the beach this morning right.

The house was empty like always, they mostly went out to enjoy the weather. I'm not an outside person so I decided to watch a movie.

"What a weird name," I said. "Who would name their daughter Shushu?" I tossed my phone aside and went to sleep, it is not my business to know and I don't want to stalk her Instagram anymore.

Shushu POV

I received a notification that I have another photoshoot in 2 days, I wonder how he is doing. Maybe he found a new relationship.

'I miss you, we promise to stay together' I thought to myself. 'I know it's my fault that we broke up.'

These days I've been so busy that finding a new relationship is not what I want anymore. ''One day you will find someone that loves you,'' my friend always said.

"I'm going for a walk," I yell so my butler can hear. "I'll be back soon." I lied to my butler and drove to Han river, this is the place that he took me on our first date.

"Shushu," Kihyun said. "I can't wait for your photoshoot with you."

"It would be a lot of fun," I said. "Do you want to walk around with me?" I walked around with him for a while, he was the only person who could listen to me without getting bored but no one knew me like my ex-boyfriend.

"I'll see you later," he said and left. I sat down and looked at the river, remembering all the memories here.


"There's something I want to show you," Jaehyun said. Took me to a place and bent down. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes, I will marry you, Jaehyun," I answered. Everyone around us cheered loudly, we have been together for a long time and he had just gotten my parent's approval for our marriage. We spent a week picking our clothes and decorations, everything went fine until the day before our wedding. My world turned upside down, he left me for another girl that he just met. After canceling our wedding I flew to South Korea to learn how to be a photographer.

End of Flashback

I could feel a tear drop from my eye. I could have thrown the ring that he gave me long ago but there was a part of my body telling me to not remove it.

'I miss you, Jaehyun,' I said as I threw the couple's necklace into the river. 'I hope you have a good life with her.'

I look at the time and it is already 3:00 pm which means I have been here for 5 hours, when I got home my butler didn't seem surprised at all.

"Did you feel better?" he asked. "I know how hurt it feels but you are a strong person and I'm here to help you get through this."

It has already been 2 years since this happened but it feels like Jaehyun left me yesterday.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now