Chapter 5

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Shushu pov

I woke up to a pair of arms around me, I thought it was Jaehyun but it was Jeonghan. Yesterday felt like a nightmare to me. I tried to move his arm gently but it still woke him up.

"Is your member not worried about you?" I ask. "Did you tell Woozi I'm okay?"

"I already told them, Woozi wants to see you," he said. "Sorry for staying with you, I was tired." I lied, I wasn't tired at all but sue need someone to be with her and comfort. I'm a type of person to do that and the tattoo she have still bother me.

"It's fine," I said leaving for my bathroom. Jeonghan looks nice and lovely, he must care about other feelings, maybe he is the one for me.

Jaehyun's message

Jaehyun: Can you come to my wedding with Ae-cha?

Me: Why?

Jaehyun: I want to see you again

Me: I think about it

Jaehyun: I'm sorry

Me: I will come

Read at 10:16 am

Something smelled like bacon and egg after brushing my hair. I rushed to check and Jeonghan was cooking.

"What does your cat eat?" He asked. "After we eat, you can go see Woozi."

"Just kibble for Coco and Dark corn," I said. "Thanks for the breakfast."

It was a quiet breakfast, Jeonghan didn't talk about what happened yesterday night or how he fell asleep with me.

"You can go first, I need to put Dark in my room," I said. After putting Dark in my room I went on my motorcycle, Woozi was waiting for me in the living room. He doesn't look too happy, I wasn't ready for a mad Woozi.

"I fix the old beat," he said. "Are you ready?" I nodded and the music started playing, there were two more people in the room. They look like Dk and Seungkwan, I feel overwhelmed a bit but I think it will turn out good.

The chorus part hit me hard, tears falling when I sang.

Waiting for your text every night

But nothing appears

The longer I wait for you

Our love falls apart

Still loving you

Always loving you

You are the only one

I know I love you

Dk and Seungkwan cheer for me when I finish, I think my solo song is ready to be released. I just need Woozi and Scoup's approval first.

"Your voice is amazing," Dk said. "Alway love you are ready to be released."

"We can release it tomorrow," Woozi said. "I don't know if Scoup agrees to release tomorrow."

Jeonghan POV

"Did you get yourself a lover?" Dino asks. "Where were you yesterday night?" I didn't want to say Shushu's apartment so I lied to Dino, he might know because I went to look for Shushu yesterday morning.

"We got good news," Dk said. "Shushu has something to say."

"I have finally decided to release my song tomorrow, I just need Scoup's approval," she said. "Also I will be your photographer which means any new concept you will see me at photoshoot."

"Agree for Shushu to release her song tomorrow," Scoup said. "Let's hope that her fan will like it."

We all agree on having a party and going to a festival which is my chance to be closer to Shushu, maybe one day she will understand that I will be by her side forever and never let go. Today was a cloudy day, I wonder if Shushu will take any more pictures. Everyone is enjoying the beach except for her, the way she walks shows something is bothering her.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "If you need to rest just tell." We continue walking in silence until she pulls my hand to stop. "Let's sit down."

The wind grew stronger as time went on, so I put my jacket over her shoulder. I slowly feel I like her but how does she think about me?

"It's going to rain soon," Joshua said. "Let's go to Shushu's apartment."

"Coco, Dark," She said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Cat," Wonwoo shrieked. "Can I hold her?" He was happy when Shushu let him hold Coco, there was something about Dark that she needed to put in her room before leaving. It rains hard outside while we are watching a scary movie. I try to concentrate on the movie but sometimes my eyes end up looking at Shushu.

"Shushu," I whisper. "Why do you have to put Dark in your room every time you leave?" She shake her head declining to tell me, I didn't force her and let it go. I received our work schedule from Scoop and it looks like more promotions and a busy week.

Jaehyun POV

I have work again today, more promotion, and a photoshoot. I hope Shushu is there but when I ask some staff they said today is Shushu's off day and she has been assigned to be working with 1 group only.

"Hyung, do you know which group is Shushu assigned to?" I ask Taeil. "Also I ask her to come to my wedding."

"I heard she was assigned to Seventeen," Mark said. "Hyung, that's going to make her sad."

I tried to focus on my photoshoot but I kept on thinking about something that happened yesterday night with Ae-cha. It wasn't fun because I kept thinking about Shushu. How would she react on my wedding day? I don't know why I feel bad for her now but it is too late, she will never forgive me.

"Hyung, your wedding is almost here," Jisung said. "Relax a bit." In two days is my wedding with Ae-cha. I promise her parents I will not break her heart as I did to Shushu. All of NCT will be there, Shushu might come, my family and Ae-cha family, friends, aunt, cousin everyone is happy.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now