Chapter 23

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Shushu POV

2 weeks have already passed and it is time to go home. Finally, I don't have to share a room with 95z anymore. They are so annoying and loud that sometimes they don't sleep until 1:00. I was lucky and my seat was next to Jeonghan this time while Scoup gets to a seat next to Joshua and Seungkwan. I bought a lot of merchandise for Juyeon, Kihyun, and my butler. Juyeon also texted me early this morning saying he had already moved my stuff to the studio with the help of Maddox and Kihyun along with my butler caring for my cat.

Shushu's besties chat

Seonghwa: I can't wait to pick you up

Ju: You aren't dead

Kihyun: Welcome back to life Seonghwa

Maddox: Welcome back

Me: Y'all come down, Seonghwa just busy with idol life

You are all idols, just like how Maddox disappear for a long time

I turned off my phone and boarded the plane, Hannie was nice enough to put my luggage for me and sit down. Hannie is a sweet and caring boyfriend, he worries about me for everything, even the little things like walking around the street.

"Who picked you up after we landed?" Hannie asks. "Jeju trip was the best trip I have ever had in a long time, Shushu I love you a lot."

"Seonghwa is picking me up," I said. "I love you too, I feel like after you confess to me every other thing we do it sounds like a date to me." An hour later we landed and I walked in a different direction than Seventeen to meet Seonghwa. It had been a long time since we saw each other. He still looks the same and hot as always.

"I heard you got yourself a boyfriend," Seonghwa said. "I see you got Seventeen's Jeonghan, you are very lucky a lot of girls want to be like you." Seonghwa picked me up in my Lambo Aventador. I hope it doesn't spread rumors that someone else is driving my Lambo. People know the passenger seat is only for my bestie and Jeonghan. From the airport to the studio isn't far and there was no traffic today. When I got there Woozi was already unpacking his studio home. We share a studio home since it was big enough for both of us and I don't have to live alone, my butler has her own house with my cat.

"It's good to be home," I said. "No more sharing hotels with 95z."

"Are they that annoying?" Woozi asked. "I heard Jeonghan was clinging on you and Scoup always sulks when he sees you happy."

"They sometimes go to sleep at 1:00 pm because everyone is talking and partying," I answer. "I need to catch up on some sleep and life." He laughed real hard until I threw a pillow at him but he dodged and threw it back to me.

Jeonghan POV

I jump onto my bed feeling relaxed and happy, the hotel bed is never as comfortable as my bed. I wonder what Shushu is doing. I heard she moved to the studio and shared a studio home with Woozi. I'm not that jealous since she is close to Woozi and he considers Shushu as a little sister.

"Jeonghan," Scoup said. "Our manager has our new schedule." I sigh, work after work we rarely have free time nowadays and it is going to be hard for Shushu and me.

"Jeonghan, you are dating someone. Try to not get relationships mixed up in your work," our manager said. "And I don't think Shushu wants her work to be ruined by dating you."

"I will work hard and not let everyone down," I said. "I promise my relationship will not ruin my career."

"Also you guys are getting big and being in a relationship would slow you down," he said. "Jeonghan I don't want to upset you but I will give you time to think about your decision." I have an urge to cry, we just started dating and I don't want to give her up.

"We will work it out and find time for you to him with her," Scoup whispered. "It's going to be okay, maybe you can call her tonight."

Our manager continues talking about our schedule and when we have free time, I still can't concentrate on what he is saying. How do I tell Shushu our relationship won't last long? When she cries it hurts my heart. I want to show her that not all guys are like Jaehyun and some are sweet like me.

I call her immediately when our meeting is over, she sounds happy as always and I can't tell her what is going on.

Call with Shushu

Me: Hi, you sound happy

Shu: Of course, I'm always happy

Me: I love when you are happy

Shu: I heard Woozi said you guys have a scheduled meeting

Me: We did, everything went well

My smile wasn't real but I didn't facetime call her so she couldn't see anything.

Me: Did you eat?

Shu: Yes, did you?

Me: Not yet, I was planning we can party tonight

Shu: I can't, my and my bestie going to eat out together

Me: It's okay

I faintly sigh but she still hears it

Shu: Why did you sigh?

Me: Just tired that all

We talked for a long time, she even showed me how Juyeon decorated her bedroom. Everything is neatly organized, even her workspace, I wonder what she would think of my bedroom. After I end the call Dino teases me while Scoup laugh, they are just jealous I found my relationship before them especially Scoup and Joshua.

Shushu POV

Kihyun picked us all up since he is the oldest and the most trustful driver. We decided to eat the stew for my return from Jeju and Seonghwa is doing well after he left us for 1 year.

"Seonghwa, I thought you got kidnapped," Kihyun said. "If anyone kidnaps you they will be annoyed by your baby shark sexy dance."

"I'm just busy with Ateez and other promotions," Seonghwa said. "So how is your relationship with Jeonghan Hyung?"

"I didn't confess," I said. "He did it on stage in front of his fans."

"You are so lucky," Maddox said. "If he ever hurts your feelings, tell us, we will teach him a lesson." I laughed when he said that, it would be funny seeing my bestie teaching Hannie a lesson about hurting my feelings. My besties are the best, they know me better than anyone else including my siblings, even though they know me as much as Scoup knows.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now