Chapter 15

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Jeonghan POV

I spend most of my day watching movies with Shushu, some members left with Woozi to the studio while others like Wonwoo who is playing with Shushu's cat. In the picture near the tv, I saw 4 cats but only 3 around the apartment. I don't want to ask about Xiao since he might pass away and Shushu doesn't want to say anything about it. There were already some boxes filled with stuff, Hoshi was asking for her studio when he went inside everything was already packed up, even her computer and speaker were all covered up.

'Where would she put all of this stuff in the studio?' I thought to myself. 'Woozi is already using one of the advanced studio rooms. What if she has another one?'

"When are you moving?" Hoshi asks. "Where will you put all this stuff?"

"There is an empty spot in the same studio room Woozi is using if you notice there are sliding doors leading to another room," she said. "All of this equipment will be moved there and don't worry Hoshi, you can use that room for your auto-tune live."

"Why do you have a wall full of names?" I ask. I'm curious since the last time we were there Jaehyun got his name on the block list but about the name that was added on the wall.

"The whole studio cost a lot of money to build and some rooms have advanced technology so I want to ensure the safety of people working there and to make sure all the equipment is still working fine," she explained. "If you read the rule, idols won't have to pay for damage if the equipment is broken but normal people will, their name on the door means that person is allowed to go in that room but if you are on the block list you won't even allow stomping their foot inside the studio."

Before Shushu could even finish explaining everything, our manager called us back because he wanted to check everything for the trip to Jeju tomorrow. There is something still bothering me about the news this morning.

'How would she secretly keep 2-3 more Lambo,' I thought to myself. 'Maybe Woozi or Scoup know how she keeps them.'

"Scoup, how does Shushu keep 2-3 more Lambo secrets from her fan?" I ask. "Her apartment is too small to keep all of her Lambo collection."

"Her studio has underground parking for her Lambo and Mc Claren," he said. "Don't tell her I told you this but she has a Lambo Sian who is badly damaged, I've been telling her to fix it but it is so damaged that it's not worth fixing the whole thing." I was curious about what happened but I didn't want to ask further. Maybe there was something that could be related to us that I don't know about.

"Also if you ever go to the underground is going to be in a glass room hidden from everyone," Scoup said. "Staff and other idols have parked their car down there and if you ask them they will mostly say they never saw." Scoup eventually showed me the picture and the shape of the car mostly is gone, if this would happen to me I won't fix it either

Shushu POV

After Seventeen left I went to the studio with some of my stuff, it will take a lot of time to plug everything in and arrange my stuff around. There will be a lot of tables so my video creator stuff won't be squished on one table. I made a great choice by giving Woozi the other half of the room and we won't be lonely anymore. Walking past the closer room gave me a chill. I remember what Jaehyun did with Ae-cha in there.

It was not a closet room anymore, it was a paper storage room. Maddox is here to help me set everything up but first, he wanted to visit my damage, on that day my friend was killed during an accident. He was the driver and on that side took a lot of damage, there was only 1 ambulance that came since the other one was busy and Dani sacrificed letting me get treatment while he was badly injured.

"Dani, I hope you have a good time up there," Maddox said. "Shushu kept her promise and did not fix Lambo Sian to honor you. Please keep watching over us."

After 2 hours of organizing my workspace is clean, the most challenging part was plugging everything in but Maddox was smart and got everything done for me. Woozi was in his studio when we finished but he didn't notice me until I accidentally dropped something, Scoop and Hoshi turned around but Woozi didn't react.

"Did you buy a ticket for our concert?" Scoup ask. "I think you did."

"Yes, I bought a ticket to your concert but I won't tell you where I'm sitting," I answer. "I already plan my outfit for that day."

I went home first because there is something I still need to pack for my 2 weeks trip to Jeju but why am I staying in Jeju for 2 weeks? I don't know, I think Seventeen is leaving earlier than me but I don't know about their schedule.

"Ju, are you taking me to the airport tomorrow?" I ask him over the phone. "My flight is at 8:00 am so I need to be there at 7:00 am." I refused to leave my car there for 2 weeks, I could hear Juyeon sigh but he still agreed to drive me.

"Remember to buy me merch," Karina said. "And take a lot of photos."

Jaehyun POV

Ae-cha surprised me with two tickets to Jeju and our flight is tomorrow at 8:00 am. I can't say no to her so it's going to be weird seeing Shushu on the same flight. We are staying for 2 weeks, I rush to pack my clothes while Ae-cha just needs to fill a little bit since her hometown is in Jeju. I hope this time I can meet her sibling, what if they work at a club too?

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now