Chapter 27

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Shushu POV

A week passed, and my stalker suddenly disappeared and the Pledis manager said I'm free to go. Hannie took me to a cafe. He said we were on a date but I don't believe it. The last time we went there was for something important. Maybe he has something important to tell me.

"Shushu, believe," Hanni said. "This is a date, trust me." Today was a perfect day for a date, sunny but there were some clouds and I enjoyed my drink with Hannie. It has been 3 weeks since we started dating. I got a lot of support from my colleagues and friends and Hannie got support from his members and their manager. "Where do you want to go?"

"How about an amusement park?" I ask. "There are some rides I want to go on."

Jeonghan POV

I canceled almost all activities with Seventeen to go on a date with her, I bought two tickets and some drinks. The first ride she wants to go on is the Haunted mansion which by the look of it I won't enjoy but today I let Shushu choose everything we do.

"Hannie, don't be scared," she said tugging my arm. "It's going to be fine." We were getting closer to the entrance and before I knew it was our turn, it wasn't that bad until something scared me and I jumped, making Shushu laugh hard. "You look so funny."

After Haunted Mansion she wanted to go on a water slide. I tried to convince her to do something else but she said no and left to get in line without me.

'Stubborn,' I thought to myself. 'I wonder where she took her stubbornness from.' The ride was chilly until the part where there was a big slope and at the end contained water. I grabbed Shushu's hand and held it tight. I feel my body shaking from the cold water but Shushu looks normal like nothing happened, it was a fun day but after two rides she is already tired and needs to sit down.

"Wait here I will get you Starbuck," I said. I came back with two drinks, Shushu ordered matcha green tea and I just got water. "Where do you want to go after this?"

"I think we should eat," she said. "Do you want to eat a hotdog?" This is my first time tasting a hotdog and I'm not sure if I like it or not, Shushu seems to love hot dogs and burgers just like Joshua and Vernon. "Do you like it?"

"Yes, what do you want to do next?" I ask. We spent the rest of the trip going on rides and taking pictures, being in a relationship with a photographer sometimes can be hard. They like to take pictures of everything and bring along a camera everywhere. "It's getting dark, so we should go home."

"See you tomorrow," I said, kissing her. "I will text you when I get home."

Shushu POV

Today was a fun day with Hannie, he let me choose almost all the rides and food. Woozi was working on his music so he didn't notice me until my cat meowed to welcome me home.

"So how was the date?" Woozi asked. "Did you kiss?" I saw the smirk on his face, he can be mischievous sometimes.

"We kissed, I watched the sunset together with Hannie on a Ferris wheel," I said. "I bought you some stuff."

Woozi requested me to get him some amusement merch and I did, he got mad easily and whipped out his guitar so I don't want that to happen to me.

"Dark, did you eat?" I ask. "Did Woozi play with you?" She meow loudly telling me Woozi was busy with his music and didn't even get out of his chair for 6 hours straight. Hannie texted me because he promised to tell me when he gets home so I don't have to worry about him.

Shushu's bestie group chat

Ju: Shu went on a date with Jeonghan Hyung

Maddox: Are you jealous?

Seonghwa: He is jealous, Hyung

Kihyunnie: We all know Juyeon like Shushu

Ju: Ya, shh

Me: Ju, we all know you like me

It is too obvious now

Maddox: Our youngest is growing up

Ju: Hyung stop, I know I'm the youngest

Even Shushu is older than me

Me: Our little brother is mad

Ju: Stop teasing me, good night

Hanni texted me immediately after, the picture he sent making me fall for him harder.


Me: Are you not sleeping yet?

Hannie: No, I just shower

Me: You look hot

Hannie: I don't look hot I look cute

Me: 🥰🥰

Hannie: Did you have fun today?

Me: Yes, I love to go out with you

Hannie: I do too, goodnight Scoup is telling me to sleep since we have scheduled tomorrow

I think Hannie is hiding something he never goes to bed when Scoup tells him. What if he is cheating on me? Maybe he busies tomorrow and Scoup just reminds him to sleep early, I need to stop worrying about everything too much.

"Dark come here," I said carrying her to my bedroom. "Don't bother Woozi, sleep tight Dark."

Seo-ah POV

I somehow got Jeonghan's phone number and now we are talking. He just lied to his girlfriend about going to bed early but in reality, he is talking to me.


Me: Can I call you Hannie?

Jeonghan: No, you can call me Jeonghannie

Me: Why not

Jeonghannie: Hannie is for my girlfriend to call me

Me: Oh, I think Jeonghannie sounds better ❤️❤️

Jeonghannie: Good night I have to work tomorrow, sleep well ❤️❤️

Me: You too 😘

I'm one step closer to stealing Jeonghannie from Shushu and making her suffer again. She stole Juyeon from me now I will pay her back. Jeonghannie will fall in love with me and leave her on their anniversary of dating. I can't wait to see the news about them. Ae-cha will be proud of me and I will have someone to love. When will Jeonghan break up with her?


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A major plot twist and drama is coming up so prepare yourself. Do you think Jeonghan will tell her and everything will go normal or Shushu will will find out by herself and want a breakup. 

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now