Chapter 17

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Shushu POV

I woke up early and decided to play a game called Mobile legend. Somehow Joshua and Scoup switched hotel rooms in the middle of the night without their manager noticing.

"Invite Wonwoo to play with you," Joshua said. "He loves to play the game."

"Is Jeonghan still sleeping?" I ask. "Why did you change rooms?"

"I texted our manager saying I want to be in the same room with Jeonghan so around 1:00 I woke Scoup up so he can go to Jun's room," he said. "Are you planning to do anything today?"

"Not really, I plan to watch some Kdrama," I said. "I saw your schedule, today is your free day and the beach would be a nice place to relax." I sat peacefully in a room full of flowers from Dani until there was yelling outside, it sounded like Joshua trying to wake up Jeonghan before they both got yelled at by Scoup.

"Should we eat breakfast?" Dk asks. "I'm hungry." As expected, Lee Jeju hotel always has good food, especially seafood. Everyone is enjoying it, if I wasn't forced to marry Jaehyun I would have married Dani and taken over his hotel business in South Korea but my parents stopped us.

"Shushu, what are you doing after eating?" Vernon asks. "We can go to Manjanggul cave."

"After eating I'm going to visit Dani and Xiao's grave, you can come if you want to," I said. "Then we can go to the cave together." It has been a long time since I visit their grave, I bought some flowers yesterday and it will be best to give Dani and Xiao new flowers. "Scoup I sent you the address, give it to your manager. I will meet you there."

The crematory was near Lee Jeju hotel because the staff here can go and visit him anytime. It was windy when I arrived at the crematory. Maybe Dani is sighing because a storm is coming. His grave and Xiao were far in the back away from other people, everyone knew about the accident and they honor him, and Xiao he serves as a retired military therapist cat.

"Dani, remember the promise I made with you," I said. "Today I brought my friend with me, I promise you I will find someone else and be happy. I am happy, I hope you are happy up there with Xiao." A teardrop from my eye and the wind picks up, a storm is coming. I think Dani created this to tell me to have a day off and remember what we usually do in the rain.

I don't mind when my plan is ruined by the rain but Scoup is not happy, he sulks about it but there is nothing we can do about it. They gather up in Jeonghan and Joshua's room to talk about random things while others play games or take a nap.

"Guys I won't be the person who takes your picture are the photoshoot," I said. "Your manager just texted me saying schedule change, I'm still going to be there supporting you." I could hear Scoup and some other members sign. I think they are looking forward to me being their permanent photographer but it looks like I can't. Their current photographer is back into the business and everything was scheduled for me now has been moved to him, I know Jeonghan isn't happy since it would be hard for me to see him every day if we don't work together anymore.

"What should we do?" Woozi asked. "Can we play truth or dare?"

Almost everyone said no, and we agreed on doing what we want to do. It is a perfect day to have a Kdrama marathon but Woozi will bother me non-stop if I watch any Kdrama without him so I end up watching with someone else.

Jeonghan POV

The rain ruined our beach day but it was more fun trying to get Scoup from being sulky again. Today is Sunday and the rain is falling. I hope Joshua doesn't sing that song and he did sing it.

"Shh, I can't concentrate," Woozi said. "I need to know what they are talking about."

It is funny how he got shut real quick, we are all tired of that song but he still loves it. Some members went to sleep because of how bored they are but the drama binger is still going, I think they move on to another one already.

"Woozi, he's alive," she said while almost choking Woozi. "Je-ha is alive." (Kdrama's name is The K2, the scene that happens in episode 16 is close to the end.)

"Yes he's alive, please chill," Woozi said and I laughed. Before I stop laughing a pillow was flung at me. "Shh, you are too loud."

Scoup would be mad if he saw Woozi throw a pillow at me but sometimes he doesn't care, the room is now quiet. Kdrama binger fell as the sleep, Sunday morning guy slept next to me and the gamer guy just went to bed. I was the only one awake. If it's weird how I'm not tired or sleepy, maybe I'm waiting for the day to come and confess to Shushu.

"We can sleep together tonight and let Shushu sleep on the extra bed," Joshua whispered. "Or she can sleep with you, your choice."

I was shocked when he said that and I know that I want to be with Shushu but not like that, first I want to confess and hear her answer then move on to the next step. The rain stops and when I go out onto the balcony the air tastes wet and disgusting but I could see the beach from our hotel. There is no way I'm going to a muddy beach after the rain and they are still sleeping so I have time to think about what I should say to Shushu.

'What if she says no,' I thought to myself. 'What if she already has someone else?"

I fell asleep next to Joshua while thinking about Shushu, nowadays I always think about her.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now