Chapter 18

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Shushu POV

I didn't do anything much, mostly watching kdrama with Woozi or helping Joshua and Jeonghan annoy other members. Especially Scoup who looks cute when he is mad and sulky, it is already nighttime when I look out the window. Most members already went back to their room except for Scoup who wanted to stay here with the other 95z and the manager said yes leaving Jun to have the hotel room to himself.

"Now I can't sleep anymore," Joshua said. "Shushu, sleep on this bed, and Scoup you can sleep on the pull-out bed."

"Should we go eat something?" I ask. "Now I know Woozi isn't a person to hug when sleeping, that man is feisty."

We went to Dongmun market for street food, the food smells so amazing I just want to eat everything but I can't, there is some food I'm allergic to. People look at us weirdly like we are from outer space or they think I'm one of 95z little sisters. I continue to walk around while making 95z try everything. I've been here before so now they get to try new food while I eat my favorite one.

"I full," Scoup said. "Let go home, mosquitoes are everywhere." After getting home I lay on my bed and went to sleep immediately even when 95z are being noisy.

Jeonghan POV

She fell asleep before Scoup could ask to change with him and he doesn't want to carry her to fold out bed, that is not nice of a guy.

"Have you thought of something to say to Shushu?" Joshua asks. "Our concert is almost here, you need to think fast."

"I wrote it on my phone," I said. "I don't trust you with this," Joshua begged so I had to show him, his reaction was big like he just won a lottery. "Don't tell anyone." We pinky promise each other, that I'm going to be the first member then confess to a girl but it's going to be terrible if she rejects.

"What if she rejects me?" I ask. "I don't know how to react to that."

"She is not going to reject you," Joshua said. "You are a sweet and caring person, anyone who rejects you needs to think again."

We chatted for a while and I fell asleep first. I hope my dream is a sweet one.

Skip time to morning

I woke up earlier than Shushu but Joshua was already awake with Scoup, I gently touch her hair but out of nowhere, she grab my hand.

"Don't touch my hair when I'm sleeping," she said in a sleepy voice. "And also don't pat my head."

I got up and open the curtain. Today was a nice day at the beach and Shushu agreed to go with us. I know she is not going to swim because I saw her put her computer in a backpack. I don't need her to be in the water but somewhere I can spend my time alone with her. I watch Shushy unpack her stuff for a while before leaving to join my group. The water is cold and it's fun to splash people with it.

After a while of playing some of us had already gotten wet, Scoup's shirt was soaked and he looked so funny trying to hide his abs from us.

Shushu POV

I sat on the beach chair enjoying playing a game on my computer right before I saw a couple of guys with their shirts wet walk toward me, they look so damn hot and they are Seventeen members. Scoup looks like he had fun but I bet inside he planning a murder, especially against Joshua and Jeonghan, they both don't look too wet beside Scoup.

"They toss me into the water," Scoup said while sulking. "So evil of them." (They are called evil twins for a reason.) Jeonghan sat down next to me. I could see his shirt was wet too but Joshua's shirt was dried just like one in the closet.

"Shushu, why don't you join us?" Scoop asks. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm feeling fine but I don't usually like to swim at the beach," I said. "Go play, I can keep an eye on sleeping Jeonghan."

Jeonghan's red hair shone in the sunlight. I gently touch but he woke up and looked at me. I felt so embarrassed after that but Jeonghan took my hand and put it on top of his head.

"I don't mind you touching or patting my heart," he said. "I'm going to take a nap."After aA few minutes, other members walked toward me. They took a snack break to headed into the ocean again.

Everything was fine until I saw Ae-cha and Jaehyun, I ignored them and went back to playing with Jeonghan's hair until they approached me. I pretend to be looking in the other direction but Ae-cha is still saying something to me while I ignore her.

After a while of playing on the beach, we all agreed to go to a cave today. Our manager divided us into groups of four by hotel room. I get to spend time with 95z. I hope they are not too annoying, this is my first time going into a cave after the last accident.

Jeonghan POV

We sat at a round table on the bus. I don't know but Scoup and Shushu kinda look familiar, they could be cousins but Scoup never hides his sibling or family relative away from us especially me. What if they are cousin and Scoup choose to not say anything and kept it a secret, should I ask?

"Woozi do you think Scoup and Shushu kinda look familiar to each other?" I whisper to Woozi. "Her rapping skill in Alway loves you is amazing just like Scoup."

"I heard they are distant cousins," Woozi said. "Or they could be close cousins or family friends."

Woozi told me it would be best if I ask Scoup or Shushu but they might not say anything so I ask Scoup through text message and he said: Shushu is my cousin, her surname is Choi Shushu. Don't tell her I told you this. That is why Scoup knows about the damage to her Lambo and how he got a picture of it and he got full access to her studio. I wonder if she has any siblings. When we arrived at the cave, Shushu took her camera and took pictures of colorful rocks.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now