Chapter 31

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Jeonghan POV

I woke up feeling dizzy from drinking too much last night but it was fun. I checked my phone and there were 100+ plus messages from Seo-ah it looked like she was trying to get my attention but I fell asleep at that point already. The last message she sent said how annoying she is and she wants to meet me again, there is no way I can sneak out without getting caught but I can go when we are going home.

"Shushu, we need to pack to head home," I said. "Scoup wants to leave early." This time Scoup did want to go home early, I'm not going in the same car as Scoup or Shushu so I will use that time to sneak out and meet her. Shushu left first because she need to pick someone up at the airport while I left together with Wonwoo, Joshua, and Jun. I plan to drop them off and make an excuse to go somewhere so I can meet Seo-ah, today she is wearing a long t-shirt with baggy pants.

"Why did you call me here today?" I ask. "Is there something you want to tell me?" She held my hand tightly and took a deep breath. There is something wrong with why she called me so quickly.

"Jeonghannie, I like you," she confesses. "I want you to be my boyfriend for a long time but Shushu stole you from me, we will be a happy couple with our children." I can't do this, I can't break someone Love apart. I know Shushu will be in a bad state if she found out I'm seeing Seo-ah.

"I like you too but I promise Shushu to stay with her forever," I said. "We can talk about this while walking at a nearby park." She walks in front of me while I walk slowly in the back, this is all messed up. I can't get caught by fans and be on breaking news again. "Seo-ah I can't be with you, I can't be your boyfriend. Shushu and I are meant to be together, I promise to propose to her soon."

She kissed me on my lip and soon later I kissed her back passionately. Little did I know someone was taking a picture of me far behind. After 5 minutes of kissing her, I bought her a little gift to remember the fun we have. Being with her made me forget about Shushu and every pain. I think she meant to be together but Scoop won't be happy since his cousin is going to be heartbroken. I dropped her off at home and went to Shushu's studio. When I got there Woozi said she had been somewhere since the moment we left our beach house. I was worried but she might be busy with her colleagues about something. A couple of minutes later breaking news appeared and it was about me and Seo-ah, a fan caught me kissing her at the park where I took Shushu on our second date.

Breaking news: Seventeen's Jeonghan has been caught kissing another girl who isn't Shushu, fans assume the girl he is kissing is Seo-ah, Ae-cha's younger sister. Some fans are worried about Shushu and how she is going to react to this.

Shushu POV

Everything was going well until I saw the breaking news about Hannie and I dropped my camera. He was cheating on me right after he told me about her. Tears fill my eyes as I read the news. He is kissing Seo-ah who is my enemy, why can't he kiss me like how he kisses her?

"Shushu what happened," one of my colleagues asked. I showed her the news and she was shocked. "I'm sorry Shushu. You deserve someone better than him." No one is better than Hannie, he is the only one that shows what true love is and cares for me about every little thing.

"I'm going to walk around the park," I said. I wipe my tears before I go and focus on my driving. Scoup would be very mad at Hannie now and probably their manager too.

Shushu's unreleased song

Why can't you be mine?

Why did you love someone else?

It hurt like that

Because I love you

I love you through my pain

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now