Chapter 10

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Shushu POV

Today I have a show with Eric and our guests are Sangyeon, Jacob, Kevin, and Juyeon from The boyz. I wonder if Eric will tease me and Juyeon.

"Shushu," Jacob said. "Congratulations on your solo debut."

They all cheer for me, and as always Sangyeon requests me to sing my song fully. I felt shy afterward since they know why I wrote Alway Love You.

"Welcome, Shushu as our special host," Eric said. "Introduce yourself."

"Hello my name is Shushu, I'm a photographer and soloist," I said. "Thank you Eric for having me here today. "

"Today is a lovely day to answer some relationship questions," Eric said. We all sigh, my first relationship didn't end well but I will try to help people who need it. "First question, has anyone here been in a relationship?"

"I have but it didn't end well," I said. "It was my first relationship so I was young and didn't know what to do, there are a lot of things that still confuse me but I try to move on from him."

"A fan said: Do you have any relationship advice?" Eric asks. "I have one piece of relationship advice: don't try to find someone that fits your standard."

"Eric Hyung is right, no one is perfect enough for your standard, only it happens in drama," Juyeon said. "And also the person you love doesn't have to be pretty, only you need it if they love you or not."

There are a lot of relationship questions but some I don't want to answer because they reminded me of the past when I lost someone I love. After an hour of talking, the show finally ended and we all went to eat together.

"Shushu will come to a single life," Eric said. "You don't need someone to care for you, your friend is here and we are always going to be here." We eat and chat like normal friends catching each other's lives but there is something about Juyeon that he is hiding. I got a chance to talk to him today.

"Ju, I know you are hiding something," I said. "Tell me, Ju."

"Well you know we've been friends for a long time but never seem to invite me over or even invite me to your expensive studio," Juyeon said. I can feel his jealousy, he never asks to come to my studio but when I ask him if he wants to come over he said there was something I need to do. "I saw the news, Woozi is lucky to work in an expensive studio."

"Ju, you never ask me," I answer. "You are always busy when I ask." He nodded and left, there was something he was still hiding but Ju was too shy to say anything.

Jeonghan POV

I woke up early to watch Shushu's special host on Eric Nam's talk show and a lot of live comments about Shushu and her new song.

"Hyung, I think you have a crush on Shushu," Dino said. "You never watch talk shows until now." Dino is right. I do have a crush on Shushu but she thinks that I like her like a friend but no, I will care for her and be by herself forever.

"Oh shoot, my photoshoot with Shushu at Bazaar magazine is tomorrow," I said. "I wonder what concept we are doing."

"Probably a love concept or a sexy one," The8 said. "That could be your chance to get closer to her."

My message to Shushu

Me: Bazaar photoshoot is tomorrow

Shu: Yes, I remember

Me: What concept do you think we will be doing?

Shu: Probably a cute one

Me: I see, I think we will do something that matches your song

Shu: Maybe

Me: Woozi lost his key to your studio

Shu: This man, I'm coming over

Read at 9:55 am

When I got to her studio Woozi had already gone inside and continued to work on his project, Shushu wasn't around but two cats appeared next to me like she let cats go around this studio.

"Where Shushu?" I ask Woozi. "Why is there a cat around the studio?"

"Shushu went somewhere that is forbidden for normal people to go and cats live here," he answered. There is another spot in this studio that only she can go to, keeping a studio secret is going to be hard. I wander around until I end up in front of the door that says 'Studio home', suddenly someone opens the door and it is Shushu. Her expression changed to surprise, I know I shouldn't be here but if Woozi knows about this place I think I should know too.

"Jeonghan didn't know you were standing here," she said. "I will be moving to Studio home soon, my move is in a couple of days."

"We can help you move, Shushu I need to tell you something," I said. "Let's go to a cafe nearby."

'Shushu has a Lamborghini,' I thought to myself. 'She is rich.' The moment she turned the car on Face pace play immediately, I didn't know she was listening to our song.

"Which cafe do you want to go to?" she asked me. "We could go to my favorite cafe." I nodded and she started driving, her Lambo interior looked nice. The white interior with the black exterior look amazing together, everyone looks at us weirdly like they have never seen a Lambo in front of a coffee shop.

"Her Lambo looks amazing, it's probably his money," a girl said. "He looks like a rich young man."

"That could be her own money," another girl said. "She looks like photographer/soloist Shushu."

I ordered our drink and sat down while she was looking outside at her Lambo. I gave her a drink and she smiled at me.

"Did you want to tell me something?" she asked. "Do you like my Lambo? My friend gave it to me for my birthday."

"Shu, I have a crush on you and I was thinking that our photoshoot tomorrow can let us be closer to each other," I said. "I don't like you as a friend but I actually like you." She smiled at me and pulled out her phone. I smiled for her to take a picture but she went to sit next to me and took a selfie.

"Can I post it on my Instagram?" she asked and I nodded. Her new post with the caption 'Jeonghan treats me for coffee'. "Jeonghan, some fan said we look cute together. Let go."

"Let's go back and see what Woozi is doing. I bought him coffee," I said. It was a quiet ride back home, only Seventeen music was playing, I don't know when I should ask her out, maybe after our photoshoot tomorrow but that could be too early.

"Woozi, I brought you coffee," I said. "I'm sorry for leaving without you." He was about to hit me with his guitar but Shushu stopped him.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now