Chapter 28

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Jeonghan POV

Today we have a recording in the studio. I was excited to see Shushu again and today is her birthday. Scoup said she loves to have another Lambo and cat so I fulfilled her wish by giving her both. I wonder what her reaction might be.

"Happy birthday Shushu," I said. "We all put money to get you two things." I blindfold her and led her to the underground parking lot, she took the blindfold and reached out for her new cat.

"I will name him Hannie," She said. "Thank you, everyone."

"The cat was mainly Jeonghan's gift but they're something else," Scoup said. She was shocked when he pulled the cover of a new Lambo sian, Shushu was so overwhelmed that tears fell from her eyes.

"Thank you guys," she said. I gave her a sweet kiss for her birthday. "We can go celebrate after your recording."

She wasn't there when we practiced our song but I'm happy that she liked the gift I gave her, also Seo-ah texting, and I can't let anyone know so I kept it in my pocket.

Something got into me and I gave a worker my phone number and now we are talking. I'm being a bad boyfriend to Shushu, I should tell her soon but not today. After practice, I went to her studio and she was sitting with Dark who looked very weak. I sat down and touched Dark's fur, her breathing was weak and soft.

"Shushu what's wrong?" I ask. "Is Dark okay?"

"She's fine but I'm not," She answered. "Hannie, I don't want to talk to you." I think she knows about me and Seo-ah but I will lie until I can't anymore. "I need some alone time."

Shushu POV

Hannie seems to be a good boyfriend but he is talking to another girl and sending heart to her behind my back. We have only been together for 1 month and he is cheating on me already. Thanks to Scoup I know about this but today is my birthday and I suppose to be happy, it hurt way too much.

"Shushu," Hannie said. "Please open the door." I opened the door and he hugged me tightly for no reason. I couldn't tell him I knew and kept hugging him. "What do you want to eat for your birthday?"

"Seafood," I said. "But Wonwoo hates seafood, I know a place where Wonwoo can eat meat while we eat seafood." His phone keeps on vibrating, maybe it's just notifications from some app but I'm not sure if Seo-ah is texting him, Hannie suggested we buy it at home. "Let's watch Scarlet heart Ryeo."

This is my second time watching Scarlet heart, it is a very good drama, and how the drama ends makes me want to watch it again. Hannie seems to enjoy the drama while other members just focus on eating seafood.

After eating we decided to do karaoke, at that point I felt something off about Hannie. He always enjoys it when I sing but this time his phone is more important than any of us. I sat down next to him and he didn't even notice until I accidentally kicked him.

"Hannie, who are you talking to?" I ask. "You seem to focus on your phone."

"Can you please mine your own business?!" Hannie yells. "Why are you like this?!"

"Leave my studio home," I said with tears falling from my eyes. Hannie snapped out and tried to wipe my tears but I pushed him away. "I don't want to talk to you."

This hurt a lot, he went from a lovely boyfriend to a person who ignored you a lot.

Jeonghan POV

I didn't know why I yelled at Shushu and made her cry. Tomorrow I have an interview with 95z and Shushu, I need to make it up to her somehow. Maybe I can talk to her again soon. She has something to say and I will give her my generous talk. Woozi texted me saying I should apologize to her now.

"Shushu," I said. "Please open the door."

"No," she said. "How did you get inside?"

"Woozi, open the door," I answered. "I will sit here." I heard some shuffling on the bed, it is going to be 11:00 pm soon. I will wait until eventually, I feel a pair of arms grab around my waist. Shushu was leaning on me and I decided to carry her to the bed.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," I said while giving her a kiss in between. "Please forgive me, I can't live without you."

"Hannie," She whispered to my ear. "I love you a lot but your phone is annoying." Seo-ah was desperately trying to get my attention but I turned the notifications and went back to Shushu. She faces the other side and is unbothered when I hug her until I pull her phone away causing her to look over. "Give me back my phone."

"Answer my question then I will give it back," I said. "Do you forgive me?" There was a silent pause I could tell she was thinking about.

"Hannie, of course, I forgive you," she said, pulling me closer. "I can't let my little angel be sad or mad." I kiss her passionately on the lips while I give her phone back. I wish we can stay like this forever, just me and her, no one bothering or distracting us. I watch her play on her phone while being close to her neck, she looks over at me. "Hannie, let's sleep."

I pull her closer to me only letting a little space between us, I slowly unbutton my shirt but she stops and it herself.

"I've been working out hard lately just for you," I said. "I know you love me to be hot and cute."

"Hannie, you look lovely," she said while touching my collarbone. "Please don't leave me in the future."

Seo-ah POV

I was frustrated because Jeonghannie is ignoring me, he always answered the phone at this hour but maybe he was with his stupid girlfriend.

"What's wrong?" My sister asked. "Someone seems to upset my little sister."

"Jeonghannie Oppa is ignoring me," I said. "I bet he was his stupid girlfriend."

My phone finally alerted me with a Jeonghannie message.

Jeonghannie: Sorry I fell asleep with my girl, goodnight Seo-ah

"I was right," I said. "He fell asleep with her again. This is the second time he ignored me."

"I think you should sleep and worry about this tomorrow," she said. "Sleep or come and watch me and Jaehyun." Of course, I went to film them, which is my job for a long time now. 

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now