Chapter 22

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Shushu POV

I woke up to Hannie who was still sleeping peacefully, my phone exploded from Juyeon's text message and breaking news.

Breaking news: Seventeen's Jeonghan and Photographer/Soloist are dating, Jeonghan confessed to her on stage yesterday night.

"Hannie, there is news about us," I said while shaking him. "Look." He clicks on the news and it is a long article even including a picture I posted on my Instagram yesterday.

Shushu posted a picture of her partying with 95z after their concert, a couple of minutes later she posted with Jeonghan leaning on to her with the caption Drunk Hannie needs to sleep but he doesn't want to go to sleep.

"Why did you take a picture of me when I'm drunk?" Hannie asks. "I look weird." I try to get up but he pulls me down and hugs me tighter. "Just a bit more." Hannie looks cute when he sleeps, especially with his red hair against the white pillow, how can a person look so pretty?

Jaehyun POV

As I expected, Shushu is now dating Jeonghan Hyung. She found someone who could love her dearly more than I can. I hope she has a happy life with Jeonghan Hyung and I hope he treats her right. Ae-cha was asleep when I went to buy food for her.

Shushu POV

Juyeon exploded my phone with 100+ messages in our group chat, basically, he just said congrat differently while spamming me.

Shushu's bestie group chat

Ju: Bestie congrat, Jeonghan Hyung deserves to be with you

Ya, answer me

I know you are awake and spending time with your boyfriend

You forgot me, your only bestie

Kihyunnie: Stop spamming her

Let her be

She is my bestie too

Me: Guys calm down

I'm here and I didn't forget you about the guys

Ju: So did you do it?

Kihyunnie: Ju, chill out

They just started dating

Ju: Jeonghan Hyung was drunk yesterday night, they could do it

Me: Ju I'm going to kill you when I return to South Korea

Cheol: Let my cousin live, their relationship just started and it needs time

Me: Cheol woke Hannie up, he can't sleep all-day

See you later

I returned to our hotel with chicken for Hannie and Joshua, Korean stew for Cheol, and sashimi for me. The room still smells like alcohol. I wonder if the staff here would spray something to make it smell better, even though I change my shirt I still can smell alcohol on me. Hannie drank a lot of Soju yesterday night and he was hugging me close, transferring all the alcohol smell to me. For the rest of the trip, their manager said they could do anything so 95z decided to enjoy Jeju at the beach.

"Let's go to a waterfall," I said. "A good place to take a lot of pictures." It wasn't far from our hotel and not a lot of tourists were there so we almost had the place to ourselves, the chilly breeze hit me and it felt like a perfect time to go with someone you love. "Guy stand here." I got a picture of 95z standing in front of the water and a picture of Jeonghan almost falling into the water, I laugh so hard that I slip but Joshua caught me before I end up in the water.

"Be careful," Jeonghan said. "The rock can be slippery." I continue to take pictures and walk around the waterfall. Hannie looks happy today and excited. I have never seen him in this mood before but something else is bothering me.

"Hannie, are you okay?" I ask. "You look happier than normal, did Mingyu or Wonwoo tell you something?"

"Nothing just to enjoy the moment with you," he said. "Let's take a selfie, your follower must know what we are doing." I took a selfie with Hannie and then with 95z, after walking around for a while Jeonghan suggested we eat at a place called Ankeori Pakeori. Seungkwan said it is a good restaurant and it is not far from Jeongbang waterfall.

"We should get seafood," I said. "Dani said the fish tasted good."

Jeonghan POV

I don't like it when she mentions Dani or anyone else is not on her bestie list, I order fish and it tastes good. A lot of side dishes but fried fish are the best with kimchi. Shushu looks happy while eating. Maybe she enjoys it a lot.

"Shushu when are you going to release another song?" Scoup ask. "Alway loves you is a hit, fan even Carat loves your rap a lot. The song now has 1.5 billion views, this is a very big accomplishment for you."

"I think I might take a break, I just got accepted to a big photography company," she said. "I might not see you often but I promise to hang out with you when I have free time."

"No matter what happens, we will always be together," I whispered to her, earning a kick from Scoup under the table. "Ya, Scoup. Why did you kick me?"

"Since the moment we got here, you been close to her," Scoup said with a sulking face. "Remember we are all single except you Jeonghan."

"Cheol is jealous and sulking," she said. "Let's eat and then we can go to a park."

"Should we call it a date between Shushu and Jeonghan?" Joshua ask. "Jeonghan ask her for a date." Scoup shows kimchi to make Joshua quiet again, I blush and got shy real fast but Joshua is right I do want to ask her out for a date but not today. It was already sunny when we arrive at Hallim park but the sun won't stop me from having with my lover and friends, a lot of nice scenery for Shushu to take pictures of us and aesthetic pictures. At one point she took a picture with me and upload it on her Instagram with the caption this look like a date with Hannie, million of likes came through just a few minutes later after upload.

"Carat loves you a lot," I said. "See I told you, you don't have to be worried about it." We went around Hallim park fast because it was hot and sunny, Scoup and Shushu got tired real quick but they still made it to the end.

"Today was fun," she said while walking to our room. "This sounds like a date with you Hannie." I gave him a kiss on the cheek making Scoup and Joshua cringe but I enjoyed it. I know my friend is jealous but they still support me.

"Hyung," Dino said barging in the door after Scoup open it. "I saw Shushu and you two look so cute together. Hyung please take her on a date soon also if you ever have another photoshoot she should collaborate with you. Only she can make you happy."

"Maybe you should take her on a trip to another country or go to the US with her," Seungkwan said. "Hyung, stop being like a child around her. Scoup Hyung, tell Jeonghan Hyung to stop being so cringed around Shushu. We are all jealous!"

Scoup cover Seungkwan's mouth because he was so loud and energetic, I went to my bed and play on my phone. Shushu and Woozi are watching another drama and I don't want to bother them.


Hanni = Jeonghan

Cheol = Scoup

Scoop = Scoup (mistake)

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now