Chapter 7

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Jaehyun POV

I woke up early since today is my wedding day and the news already exploded on my phone. When I took a look it was about Shushu releasing a solo song. Break news: Photographer Shushu has stepped foot into the world of singing and released her first solo song named 'Alway loves you'. A lot of fans suspect that this song is for her breakup with Jaehyun.

It was a long ride to the wedding place, I can't wait to see how beautiful Ae-cha was and how mad my parents are. They wanted me to marry Shushu but after that day I wasn't their child anymore. From the back I could see a lot of people already sitting, most of my friends and family were in front until I saw one person and it was Shushu. I don't know how sad she is but I could see my parents greet her dearly unlike how they greet Ae-cha.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the wedding is about to start," the announcer said. "Everyone please take a seat and cheer for the newly married couple.

I walk down the aisle first to stand on one side of the priest, and a few minutes later everyone cheers when Ae-cha walks down the aisle in her beautiful wedding gown.

"Jeong Yun-o(Jaehyun), would you take Park Ae-cha to be your lovely wife?" The priest asked and I nodded. "Ae-cha, would you take Jeong Yun-o to be your husband?" She nodded too and there was a smile on her face. "You may kiss the bride." Everyone cheered loudly including my friend. I'm so happy I could be married to the girl I love and not be forced to marry someone I didn't love a lot.

"Everyone, I have some good news," I said. "We have been planning to have a baby so before our marriage, we have been doing it but the results are not good."

"When I'm pregnant I will tell everyone," she said. "Let the party start."

Shushu POV

I sat in the far back watching the person I used to love to get married to someone else, I could have been a better girlfriend to him. He looks so happy with her but his parents aren't, after our break up Mrs. and Me. Jeong was very understanding about my situation and even comforted me.

"Shushu," Taeyong said. "Long time no see." We hugged each other, Taeyong was a very good friend to me just like Juyeon is. In the world I feel like only Juyeon, Woozi and Taeyong can understand me. "Congrat on your solo debut. I can't wait to listen to it."

I smiled weakly and continued to drink my champagne until Ae-cha and Jaehyun went over to me. I tried to walk away but he called my name.

"Thank you for coming to my wedding," he said. "This is Ae-cha, I think you met her before."

"Remember how she found out about us," she said. "That's how we meet."

That night was unforgettable for me, traumatizing me forever. I wish that would never happen to anyone else. After leaving shortly after since Juyeon was already there to pick me up, I'm glad I can go home being with them was torture.

"How was the wedding?" Juyeon asked. "Did he notice you or was he too busy with her?"

"He noticed me, they proudly announced how they did that thing for 2 years already and Ae-cha never got pregnant," I said. "Ae-cha wedding dress disgust me, very revealing."

On the way home I received a notification from a magazine cover asking if I could collaborate with Jeonghan, I hesitated on answering but I did before telling Juyeon.

"Ju, Bazaar magazine asked me if I could collaborate with Jeonghan for a picture cover," I said. "I reply to them yes."

"When?" He said while opening my apartment door. "I'm so happy for you."

"In a couple of days," I answered. "My first magazine cover picture." Ju left suddenly because of his manager, another news popped up and this one talked about the view for the Alway loves you lyrics video.

Breaking news: Shushu's lyric video 'Alway loves you' has reached 100 million views after 4 hours of release, this is the fastest-growing music video ever.

I was happy that people liked my song, Woozi texted me and said let's celebrate.

Jeonghan POV

I'm happy that this time I get to do a collaboration with Shushu on Bazaar magazine. It has only been a day since I haven't seen her but I feel empty.

"Shushu, congratulations," I said. "There is something I need to tell you but I know it's early to tell."

"Just tell me," She said. "I don't think it is too early."

"Shushu, I like you," I said shyly. "I like you a lot." Her reaction changed a bit before leaning onto my shoulder.

"I like you too," she said. "We can be more than just friends." Today is a happy day for me, I thought Shushu would reject me and say something else but SHE LIKES ME TOO.

We arrived at a Bimbimbox place. Shushu said she likes to eat here with Juyeon and Kihyun Hyung. I let her order my food this time, and everyone agreed to let her decide what we eat since she knows the most food here. Everyone was saying congratulations to her, even our waitress recognized Shushu. I followed what Woozi said and tried to get closer to her.

"Is being a photographer the only job you have?" I ask. "Because sometimes on Instagram you post pictures of a studio room."

"I own a studio because I also work with video creators to make special effects," she said. "That's mostly it."

"Are you free tomorrow?" She asked. "You can stop by my studio, you can bring any seventeen members you want."

The way back to Shushu's apartment was quiet since she was talking to someone over text. She hugged me before walking away to her apartment. A member saw that and teased me.

"What was that Hyung," Mingyu asked. "Did you blush?" I tried to hide it but other members saw too, that was a sudden hug and my body reacted differently. I didn't want to blush but I DID.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now