Chapter 11

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Shushu POV

"Calm down Woozi," I said. "It was a private talk." I heard a noise coming from the front of the studio, it sounded like someone trying to get in but the security guard stopped them. "What's going on?" I saw Jaehyun and his girlfriend trying to get past security just like how Lucas did.

"This young lady said her husband is allowed to be in here," the female security guard said. "When I look up her husband's name on our system there is no Jaehyun but there is. HyungJae from The boyz."

"Shushu, tell her I'm on the list," Jaehyun said. "Ae-cha wants a tour of where my music is being produced."

"I remove you from the list and this is a workplace, not a museum," I said. "I don't trust your wife with expensive equipment, if anything is damaged they will pay if you are not an idol."

"My husband is richer than you, he can pay for everything I break," Ae-cha said. "He owns a Tesla."

"I don't have time to argue with you, let them but make sure she doesn't break anything," I said. "Jeonghan can you stay and watch Woozi, I need to go get Dark and Coco."

I was about to leave when Ae-cha tapped my window to get my attention, I saw Jaehyun look at her touching my Lambo.

"Your Lambo probably is a reuse one," Ae-cha said. "My husband has a Lambo that costs over 1 million dollars."

"Excuse me, Miss," the female security said. "That the Lambo Veneno Roadster is the most expensive manufacturer."

Ae-cha pouted and walked back to her husband.

Jaehyun POV

I didn't know Shushu had a Lambo but I did give her something special. Maybe she didn't like it. Ae-cha was amazed by how big this studio is but we had to follow rules which means not going into any room that is private or for certain people. I have been in Shushu workspace once and the most expensive producing once time too, a room that is blocked off contain expensive equipment and only name that written on the wall can access any room here. When I looked at the wall my name wasn't there but Woozi replaced it, I saw some new names like Jeonghan, HyungJae, Woozi, and Sangyeon.

"Babe, why is your name not up there?" She asked. I couldn't tell her the truth so I lied. "How do you even get your name up there?"

"I don't come here often and I ask her to remove my name," I lied. "Your entertainment message to Shushu who is going to be creating music then she will add her name on the wall."

"What is in here?" She asked. "Why are they private?"

"These are spaces where you can live, I heard Woozi is staying here and Shushu is going too," I answered. "Let's keep walking."

There is a lot of living space, and we walk until Ae-cha pulls my hand to stop. I think I know what she wants but we can't do it here.

"Babe, can we do it here?" She asks with puppy eyes. "I'm craving it."

"We can't, there is no room to do it," I said. She pulled me toward an empty closet room. "Here? What if people hear us?"

"Please babe," she begged me. I can't deny her so we did. "That feels so good babe~"

Jeonghan POV

After watching Woozi for a while I fell asleep. Everything was quiet until Shushu shook me hard. I could hear a noise but it wasn't coming from the Woozi computer.

"There is noise in the far back corner of the studio," she said. "Can you come with me?" We went with her and that strange noise got louder and louder. It sounded like a noise that a couple would make, she knocked on the door and we could hear movement inside. "Hello? Anyone in there?"

"Babe, what should we do," a voice behind the door whispered. "My clothes are mostly torn."

'Mostly torn?' I thought to myself. 'They are doing something.'

"Let's ignore, she will go away," another voice said and they continued. Shushu opens the door and we see something that I have predicted. "Oh shoot, Shushu I'm sorry."

They quickly left while the female security put Jaehyun's name on the ban list, who would be craving to do it at a studio?

"Let's go home, Jeonghan," she said. "Bye Woozi, come visit us at the Bazaar photoshoot tomorrow."

I look over at Shushu and she looks tired and disgusted. I still don't understand why people could do it anywhere, she said goodbye to me and left for her apartment.

Jaehyun POV

After getting caught I drove to an empty alley again, Ae-cha was sleeping so it was a great time to take advantage of her but she woke up.

"When did Shushu have a Veneno Roadster Lambo?" Ae-cha ask. "I thought my husband was the best."

"I don't know when either," I answered. "Did you have fun?" She nodded, pulled her over to my lap, and turned on Tesla auto mode. I remember that night when I cheated on Shushu and did something bad.

I watched her sleep while resting her chin on my shoulder, her leg wrapped around my waist. When we got home I carried her to our bedroom and used this time to admire her beauty. Eventually, she climbed on top of me and we did it again.

'I can do it with her all the time,' I thought to myself. 'This reminds me of the first time we met.'

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now