Chapter 20

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Shushu POV

Today is Seventeen's photoshoot. I wonder what concept they are doing, maybe it is a summer style. Jeonghan, Scoup, and Joshua are up earlier than usual. Maybe they are worried about their manager yelling at them, so I headed to the beach first, enjoying the summer and time alone. I waited until the Seventeen photoshoots started. I see Jeonghan isn't paying attention to the camera but he is looking at me and it looks like a stare rather than just a normal look.

"Pay attention, Jeonghan," the photographer says. "Look here please." After a few photos, Jeonghan was finished with his solo photoshoot and immediately walked over to me where I'm standing.

"Why didn't you pay attention to the camera?" I ask. "You are always focused but not today, am I distracting you?"

"No, you look too pretty to not look at," he said. "I will try to look at the camera next time." Scoup teases Jeonghan because of how he speaks to me, sweet and soft even when I annoy him. "Scoup, shh you are next." After Seventeen finished with the solo photo shoot it was time for a group photo and tomorrow is their concert, I need to prepare what to wear and how to style my hair too but I don't want to distract Jeonghan or any member from their performance. "What are you going to wear for our concert tomorrow?"

"Just wait, I can't show you," I said. "It's a secret." Jeonghan got sulky and went to sit by the beach, I think he picked that up from Scoup who is always sulky. "Jeonghan, I can't tell you. You can see it tomorrow at 7:00 pm."

I went back to the hotel first to prepare my clothes. If I post it on Instagram Jeonghan will see it since he follows me for a long time. Maybe he will ignore it but my outfit for tomorrow is short pants with a long shirt with a belt around my waist and combat boots. I posted my outfit on my private Instagram, I can't wait to go see them and Carat.

Jeonghan POV

The Jeju trip was kinda boring. There was nothing much I could do but we are going to stay here for 2 weeks. I think it will be more fun after I confess to Shushu tomorrow, I'm nervous and excited at the same time Shushu might need some time to answer me and the longer I wait the more anxious I get.

"Are you ready to confess to her?" Scoup ask. "It's going to be great. She probably doesn't need time to think, she might answer you immediately."

"I'm nervous," I said. "How would Carat react?"

"They would cheer for you and support your decision," Joshua said. "Where is Shushu?"

"She's in the secret room again," I said. "I wonder what is in there. Scoup have you been in there?"

"Scoup won't answer you," she said. Shushu was wearing a t-shirt that revealed her tattoo and it was exactly what I thought, a rose with a moon on it. "Jeonghan, are you looking at my tattoo? I love roses with moon tattoos, I have one on my thigh."

"Why can't you show us your outfit tomorrow night?" Scoup ask. "By the way, I can see your private Instagram account." I didn't know Shushu has a private Ig probably a personal account where she can post stuff without being rumored. Maybe after tomorrow, she might give her private IG.

I spent all of my afternoons talking about stuff and music, I even sang a bit from one of our songs to Shushu and she complimented me about my angelic voice. Scoup was knocked out after being hyper for 2 hours straight while we all laughed at him. Joshua decided to talk to Shushu in English since she is half American while Scoup is full Korean. I accidentally hit her with my pillow and she hit me back which started the pillow fight between us, Joshua recorded and sent in the group chat. Everyone sent emojis beside Scoup who yelled at us to stop. I let Shushu win before laying down. She hit me well.

"Never mess Shushu," Scoup said. "She hit me once and I got a bruise for a week."

"Should we sleep early?" I ask. "We have early practice tomorrow." Everyone went to bed beside Shushu who was still watching Kdrama. I was watching quietly behind her until I fell asleep.

Shushu POV

The whole hotel room is so quiet, quiet enough for me to hear what the next room is doing and it sounds like they are doing the thing.

'I can't imagine doing it in public," I thought to myself. 'People can hear you especially when it is quite like this.'

I'm close to finishing The Untamed, I think I can finish tonight. Hopefully, I don't fall asleep soon. The movie is just so good with their acting making me feel like I'm in a drama. The movie ended and I decided to watch Tale of the nine tails. I heard it is a good drama and I can't wait to start it. Lee Dong Wook looks so pretty as a nine-tailed and his brother both look hot.

I looked over to Jeonghan who was sleeping peacefully, he looked like an angel in disguise as a human. If anyone has him as a boyfriend would be so lucky, he looks goddamn hot and he is just sleeping.

"I know you are looking at me," Jeonghan said while having his eyes closed. "I know I'm an angel and I know I'm hot so you can look whenever you want."

I went back to watch my movie before sleeping. I was internally screaming when they kissed it so beautifully and happily. It's 2:30 am and I'm almost finished with the drama. I heard the last episode is sad and I'm not prepared for it.

'Lee rang to kill his brother,' I internally scream. 'He's gone." Tears dropped down from my eye, Lee rang also sacrificed his life for Lee Yeon so his brother could marry Ae-reum.


I haven't finished The Untamed but I finished Tale of the nine tails. Both dramas are great and worth watching.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now