Chapter 8

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Shushu POV

Jeonghan message

Jeonghan: I'm free today, Hoshi and Woozi are coming with me

Me: Okay come I will be waiting for you

Read at 8:41 am

I rush to the bathroom, I need to be ready when they come. A couple of minutes later Jeonghan, Hoshi, and Woozi arrive and they look ready to see my studio room.

"Follow me this way," I said walking toward a room with a handprint lock on it. "This is a special room with expensive equipment, why only certain people are allowed in here and a few people have handprints, maybe one day one of you will get a name on my studio's wall."

"Feel free to touch anything and use anything, I can use you guys," I said. "I know how to create a beat but my best isn't good so that's why I ask Woozi to improve it."

Hoshi POV

I look over to the wall of names, there are a lot of people I don't know and some I know.

"Hellooooooo, my name is Hoshi~," I said while using auto-tune. "Welcome~."

Hoshi auto-tune rap:

Hellooo everyone, welcome to Shushu's studio room~

I'm using her auto-tune because Woozi doesn't let me~

I'm here with Jeonghan Hyung, Woozi, and Shushu~

We are all together except for Shushu who suddenly has to do something. I turn off auto-tune and look around her studio room trying not to bother her. I saw Jeonghan Hyung stand behind her workspace and watch, he might get yelled at if she notices this might be something important.

"Ya, Yoong Jeonghan," she yelled. "Go back over there!" I laugh hard, Hyung has never been scolded by a girl before until now. "This is not for you to look at." She put her beat back on and continued doing her work.

Jeonghan POV

After I got yelled at, I sat down on a couch next to the producer's desk. I watched Woozi work on another song but in Shushu's studio. When I looked over the wall of names, Woozi's name was on there so he had been here before and had been approved by Shushu.

'Why did he keep it away from me?" I thought to myself. 'But I don't think he has access to open the door.'

I sat quietly with Shushu and watched them both work. Coming here wasn't as fun as I thought. After 2 hours of waiting they both finished their work, I could see how exhausted Shushu is but Woozi still looks happy like he can produce music longer.

"What do you want to do now?" I ask. "Is today your day off?"

"No, but a video creator moved their work today so I'm free," she answers. "We can go to a street market."

The minute Shushu steps her foot on our side of the apartment complex, fans surround her, asking for a picture and signature but the guard quickly tells the fan to move back.

"Wear this everywhere you go," I said, giving her a mask. "You don't need to wear a hat every time." Woozi checked her lyrics and the number was high, 500 million views after 1 day of being released. I think Shushu sent a message to her fans and everyone. The street market wasn't crowded because everyone was at work or school. We were divided into two groups, me and Shushu, while Woozi was with Hoshi.

"Can I get two of these?" I said pointing to what I wanted. "Shushu, here. Try these." There is a lot of food and games. I try my best to win a stuffed animal for Shushu but there is one that she gave me.

"This one for you," she said. It's a teddy bear holding a heart, maybe she is telling me she loves me. "This teddy bear matches you." I don't know if I should confess that I have loved her since day 1 when we met but it would be too early and I don't want to rush her. We walked around buying food, playing games, and giving each other stuffed, and everything was fine until Jaehyun and Ae-cha appeared. They are in line for a fried fish ball before Jaehyun can say anything, Juyeon blocks him off and I say thank you. "Ju, you're here too?"

"I'm not stalking you but I like street market food," he said. "I pay for the fried fish ball, you don't have to pay me back." Jaehyun managed to say something while I was looking away and Juyeon was paying. She didn't tell me what he said but I didn't want to pressure her or anything.

"Ju, this is why your teammates hate going to the street market with you," she said. I looked and he was holding 3 fried fish balls. "You mainly eat the fried fish balls."

"I have to go," he said. "Hyung make sure to get her home safely." Eventually, we met up with Hoshi and Woozi. They also got some stuffed animals but their stuffed animals are small, not like the ones I got for Shushu. There was a couple behind us, the girl kept on whining about how she didn't get what she wanted and when I heard Jaehyun my reaction changed.

'I beat Jaehyun to get Shushu's big teddy bear,' I thought to myself. ''And now she's whining."

"Let's go home," I whispered to Shushu. "Someone you know is behind you." Before we could leave Ae-cha grabbed Shushu's hand while trying to take the teddy bear away.

"Ya, that teddy was supposed to be mine," she said rudely. "Honey, say something."

"Ae-cha I can buy you another one," Jaehyun said. "My apologies, Shushu." She started to become more annoying, whining about how she wanted that teddy bear but I don't want to make Shushu sad. "Let go, Ae-cha."

Shushu sat next to me while holding her teddy bear. Today was a fun day. I get to see the exciting side of Shushu.

"Jeonghan, are you not going back to the dorm?" she asks. "No, we are here to karaoke in your studio but will your neighbor hear us singing?"

"No, soundproof wall and door," she said. "Y'all can go change if you bring clothes."

Jaehyun POV

Ae-cha didn't talk to me on the way home, I know she was mad but I can't just take people's things for her. There is one way I could make her happy again but she might like a teddy bear better than what I'm going to give her.

"Ae-cha, do you want a teddy bear or the thing we always do?" I ask. I stop by an empty alley just in case she chooses the other one. "Choose wisely, you get only one chance."

"I choose both," She said. "Let's get the teddy bear first."

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now