Chapter 29

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Shushu POV

I woke up early to get ready for my interview with 95z today. Sleepyhead Hannie said give me 5 more minutes and it will be 5 minutes.

"Hannie, wake up," I said. "You are going to be late for an interview."

"When did you wake up?" He asks with a sleepy voice. "I thought you would stay with me."

"I woke up an hour ago," I said. "Dark and Hannie the cat were calling me, they need food." I left the place early since there were things I needed to prepare before the interview started. I wonder what type of questions fans will ask us. I hope it is not something inappropriate. After some minutes of waiting for our interview to start, this was my first time interviewing with Hannie and other members. I feel kinda shy and awkward, fans are going to ask about us and I don't know how to answer them.

"Hello everyone," I said. "My name is Shushu. This is Scoup, Jeonghan, and Joshua."

"First question, Scoup, how do you feel about your member having a girlfriend," I said. "It's okay if you don't want to share."

"Um, Shushu my cousin so I sometimes keep an eye on Jeonghan to see if he does anything bad," Scoup said. "But he a very sweet guy," Hannie laughs at his comment and Scoup tries to cut that part but I think the editor will keep it in. The question from the fan wasn't too inappropriate and annoying most questions are asked about our career and when I'm going to release a new song but I don't know how to answer that.

"Currently Shushu doesn't have a plan for a new song, she just signed up for the Elle photoshoot," Hannie said. "Make sure to always love the person you are with."

Throughout the interview, Hannie stays neutral from flirting and throwing heart signs at me even Scoop and Joshua is surprised how he can in front of the camera but at home mature Hannie is gone. They went straight to the photoshoot after the interview. Hannie seemed more focused and relaxed today. After each click of my camera, they move to a new position. The photoshoot ended quickly and Hannie asked if I wanted to walk around the beach with 95z since it was a cool day today. The weather today is nice and enjoyable. I think Dark will like it but I can't risk taking her to the beach again.

"In the future, if we ever get married, let's have our wedding here," Hannie said. "Our guest would enjoy it too."

"So when are you going to propose?" Scoup asks, suddenly making Hannie blush. "I probably won't be a bad uncle. Joshua might be a bad one."

Jeonghan POV

I don't know when I should propose to her when I'm hiding something big, she will figure it out one day and might not love me anymore. I don't know how to tell her without making her feel sad and putting hate on me, maybe 95z can help me but would that put hate on them too? I can't show Shushu how I feel, I should talk to Seo-cha in person because I want to know if she is trying to break my relationship with Shushu apart.

Message to Seo-ah

Me: Can we meet at a cafe?

Seo-ah: Of course Jeonghannie, at 3:00 pm

It is currently 2:00. I still have time to prepare what I'm going to say if a fan caught me going out with another girl, Shushu went home first because Dark needs special food while I ask Scoup to drop me off at XXX cafe. I don't want someone waiting for me I'd rather wait for them. Seo-ah came a bit early and she ordered me a drink.

"You look prettier in person than in the picture," she said. "Why did you call me to meet you so suddenly?"

"We need to stop contacting each other," I said. "I don't want to hurt my girlfriend's feelings."

"We are just friends, nothing more than that," she said. "You don't have to reply to my message every time I text you, I understand you are busy with your work and your girlfriend." I grab her hand and hold it. I do have feelings for Seo-ah but at the same time, I'm in love with Shushu.

"Seo-ah, I have feelings for you too," I said. "But I don't want to break up with Shushu, I think the best way for us is to talk online."

"I have feelings for you too," she said. "Let's take a walk." It was already late and not a lot of people were outside. I think I'm safe from being on breaking news. I've only been in a relationship for 1 month and I'm breaking it already. Why do I have to hurt Shushu's feelings?

After walking for a while she drove me home and Scoup wasn't happy about it when Scoup drop me off he doesn't I'm meeting a girl until now.

"Jeonghan, you know Seo-ah is Shushu's stalker," he said. "Why are you going out with her?"

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself," I said. "Can you help me hide it away from Shushu?"

"I can only hide it for a certain amount of time," he said. "After that, you need to tell her, if her feelings hurt mine will too. I see her as my little sister."

Shushu POV

I got home early because Woozi texted me saying Dark needs food and I don't know how to make it. Before I left the beach I heard Hannie talking to Scoup about dropping him off at a cafe. Why did he need to go to a cafe? What if he sees another girl? Is he cheating on me? I called my bestie in a group chat to see their advice. Kihyun went to pick up everyone to come to my studio home.

"So, you think he's cheating?" Juyeon asked. "Noona, you need to talk to him."

"I don't cry," Kihyun said. "We will help you figure this out." No one understands me like my bestie.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now