Chapter 14

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Jeonghan POV

We are leaving for Jeju island tomorrow I hope the weather going to be nice there, I woke up Scoup early to ask him a question.

"Yes, confess to her on stage," he said. "She will remember that night."

"But I don't know what to say," I said. "I want to sound confident."

"You can say: Hello Carat, there is someone special here today. This day she has been making me happy, I would like to say I've been liking you for a long time," Scoup said. "Say something like that or say someone here is special and I would like to confess my feelings to them."

I thanked him and went back to my room to pack. I wonder what Shushu is doing. Maybe she is packing and ready for a trip.

Jaehyun POV

'She is going to Jeju island," I thought to myself. 'I could take Ae-cha there for our honeymoon but it will be awkward seeing her at the same place we are going.'

Even though I'm married to Ae-cha but my heart still has feelings for her, I promise to be a great husband to Ae-cha but seeing Shushu having a rumor with Seventeen's Jeonghan makes me feel sad. I pulled out some old photos of Shushu and remembered all of our memories together. Ae-cha is gone for work so I decided to watch some of our vlogs together.

Breaking news: These days Seventeen's Jeonghan has been caught coming out of Shushu's Lambo.

'Jeonghan Hyung is lucky to be riding in Shushu's Lambo,' I thought to myself. 'I wish I could do that but when we are together she doesn't have any Lambo beside her black Mc Claren.'

I click on the news to read more, someone how this one caught my attention.

Jeonghan has been frequently coming out of Shushu's Lambo, a lot of fans suspect that they are dating but others said 'it's normal for people to give other people a ride home. The rumor doesn't stop there and when another fan posted a picture of them going to a coffee shop everything went wild.

Shushu is known to own multiple Lambo but the one shocked fan the most was her Veneno Roadster which Jeonghan also was caught coming out of one, some fans counted she still hiding 2-3 more Lambo and Jeonghan hasn't been on them.

Pledis Entertainment has come out with their statement saying: that Shushu and Jeonghan are just friends, it is normal for Jeonghan to be in the same car with Shushu when they are going in the same direction. We will let everyone know if they reveal something more, thank you to the fans who still support our idol and photographer.

After Pledis released its statement a lot of fans went quiet.

Shushu POV

This breaking news is weird. Why would they count how many times Jeonghan has been in my Lambo? Scoup just texted me telling me to ignore it and I did, the whole world will blow up if Jeonghan confesses to me or I reveal Jeonghan is the first person to sit on the Veneno Roadster passenger side.

"Miss, how can you live with rumors?" My butler asked. "Being someone famous is hard, everywhere you go there will be fans. Be careful in Jeju and if Jeonghan ever confesses tell him to be careful too. You never know how cruel the world is."

"I will be careful," I said. Karina is like my mom, she always cares for me and worries like how a parent would be. "I will miss you." 2 weeks of not eating Karina food would be different, I might lose weight but I will be busy having fun rather than thinking about other things.

'Jaehyun is quiet these days,' I thought to myself. 'He must be doing the thing with his wife every day, even doing it every hour." I rush downstairs to see Jaehyun standing by the door. He looked sad but why should he be like that?

"We need to talk," he said. "There are a lot of things I need to say."

"Fine, talk," I said. "I don't want you back so be happy with her."

"I didn't mean to cheat on you that night but I never felt something like that so I went a bit too far with her," he said. "I know I'm married but can we at least be friends?"

"No, you meant to cheat on me because you didn't love me anymore and our marriage was forced," I said. "Go be happy with the girl who always lets you do it to her."

"Listen, I didn't mean to do it but it was my first time feeling someone touching my spot and I love it so much," He tried to explain to me. "I went to the bar to only relax but I didn't know that would happen.

"Leave, I don't want to hear your excuse," I said, pushing him out of the door. "I don't want to see you ever again."

I lay down and text seventeen to come over because I need their advice, Scoup probably going to say 'don't give him a chance' and Jeonghan would say 'you deserve someone better than that.

"Guys, Jaehyun went over to my apartment and asked me to be his friend," I said. "I said no because being friends with a married couple feels weird."

"It is weird," Seungkwan said. "Shushu, don't worry he won't bother you if she already has a new person." I could see some Seventeen members look at Jeonghan but others like Wonwoo went to play with my cat.

"Shushu, what is her name?" Wonwoo asked. "She is so cute."

"Her name is Utsuri, Dark is over there and Coco is on my arm," I said. "Utsuri is 13 years old, Dark is 20 years old, and Coco is 10 years old."

Everyone is shocked about my cat's age. Dark lived a long healthy life after Xiao. I still miss Xiao even though he passed away when I was 20 and he was 30 years old (146 years old in human age). Wonwoo saw a picture of me holding Xiao when he turned 30, the day after his birthday he passed away.

"What if Jaehyun comes back?" I asked, there was a knock on the door and I knew it was him. "I already said I don't want to hear your explanation."

"She doesn't want to talk to you," Jeonghan said, pushing him out of the door. "Let her live in peace, she doesn't love you anymore."

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now