chapter 32

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Shushu POV

3 weeks have passed since my car accident and I have been cleared by the doctor to perform today at a concert. I'm very happy to be performing my new song. I hope my fans will love it but this song is for Hannie and I don't know how he would react to it.

"My little cousin going to perform on stage for the first time," Scoup said. "You are the only solo artist to perform at Mama this year, make sure to cheer for us."

"I will, this is my first time performing and I'm worried," I said. "Hannie will be there and my newest song is for him."

"Don't worry, no one will notice," he said. "I need to go for our rehearsal." Mama is a big performing event and award, idols work hard to join and show off their talent. I don't have to practice much since my song doesn't require dancing, just singing in one spot.

"You got this, we will be cheering for you," my bestie all said together. "We are your number one fan." Everyone left except for Maddox since he was not participating in Mama this year. He bought a front row ticket to see me and other artists.

"Bye Maddox," I said, leaving to prepare for the song. Mama stadium is huge and wide, millions of fans would come and watch. I saw Hannie walking toward the Seventeen dressing room, I ignored him and went to my room. My colleagues are in there waiting for me, they look so excited to see their teammates perform on stage. "I'm so nervous."

"Don't be nervous," TC said. "Everything will be okay, we will watch your performance from backstage. Everyone will love your song."

Jeonghan POV

I saw Shushu but we didn't say anything to each other. She is the only soloist performing at Mama this time. I heard Woozi say she was performing a new song and that song was for me. I feel nervous since my teammate will know and see my reaction, there will be a party after Mama so maybe I could get back together with Shushu. We got called up to the stage for practice and I saw Shushu along the way. She was talking to another guy about something and they looked close.

Seeing her with another guy makes my heart hurt even if we are not together anymore. I tried to concentrate on practicing but my head was still on her. After practice, I took painkillers because I'm not feeling well and sometimes have headaches. Some members said it's because I cry a lot about Shushu and sleep less. I took a short nap before the concert and I feel a bit better, we are first to perform then The boyz.

Fans cheered for us loudly when we finished, I saw Juyeon waiting backstage and Shushu was there too. The boyz stage ended quickly and it was Shushu's turn, she sang with her angelic voice and from the start, the song was about our breakup. I could feel pain in her voice and sadness, there was no way she would forgive me even if I asked her.

We won best performance and Shushu won the best soloist. I could see The boyz congratulate Shushu and even Ateez did too. The party came and I went to find a place to sit. A lot of different artists were invited, even some are not in Mama this year. Shushu was with Kihyun Hyung, there is no way he will let me see Shushu unless I'm drunk. A couple of minutes later Hyung left and I took my opportunity. She was quiet when I sat next to her.

"Congratulations on your win," I said. "You did well today." She said the same thing to me, I don't know if I should tell but I need to get this over first.

"Shushu, I still love you," I said. "Since the day we broke up I realized I need you more than ever."

Shushu POV

Hannie looks pale and tired. It looks like since the day we broke up he hasn't slept well or eaten well. I'm worried about him but it is not my problem anymore.

"You are drunk, let's talk about this next morning," I said. "Enjoy your drink." I left to go find Kihyun and hang out with Monsta X. I feel bad for Hannie but I'm not ready to get back with him.

The party ended and I volunteered to take Woozi home but somehow Hannie snuck into my car. I'm not worried about Woozi but I'm worried about Hannie.

"Hannie," I said while trying to push him away. "Wake up, you can't stay here."

"I can stay wherever I want," he whispered to my ear, making me shiver. "You look extra hot today." Hannie was too drunk to notice anything but when I slightly touched his collarbone he reacted. "I've been craving that." He pulled my hand and put it on his collarbone while unbuttoning his shirt to expose the rest of the collarbone.

"Let's get back together," he said. Everything he said tonight probably won't be true tomorrow since he was drunk, there might be a chance he wants to get together but my bestie and Scoop won't allow this. He fell asleep next to me and I just let him lay there, his skin is a bit cold and dry.

'You look so cute,' I said. 'I do want to get back together. I love you.' I kissed him and he kissed back immediately, things got steamy and for the first time, I got to see Hannie's abs and full arm muscles. After he let me admire his body and went to sleep again, I still don't believe how a person can be so cute and pretty at the same time hot and sexy. 'You are a perfect person.'

I kept on staring at him like the first time we ever met and it felt like it all from the beginning again. I still love him and forever love Hannie.


There is one chapter left until the story is finished but don't worry prologue will be here too.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now