Chapter 13

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Shushu POV

Scoup sat next to me while we waited for Jeonghan, he was wearing tight jeans with a flowy shirt.

'This song sounds familiar,' I thought to myself. 'It Purple rose." The lyrics sound lovely but the dance moves are killing me. How can a sweet and lovely person be so god damn hot while dancing?

The dance moves are so sensual, everything was good until a part that made my heart beat so fast. My heart never beat so fast for anyone until now, the way he moved to make everything seem so easy and lovely.

"Are you going to perform this at the Jeju concert?" I ask. He sat down next to me while watching Hip-hop practice GAME BOY.

"No, if I perform Purple flower at the Jeju concert I would wear this," he said. "Joshua told you to come here because I want to show you the choreography for Purple flower." I can't tell him how I feel about the choreography, there is something that makes my heart beat fast when I'm next to him but I can't say it. After the Hip hop team finishes practicing GAME BOY it turns for the Vocal team to practice Habit, there are not a lot of things to do but watching them practice live is a dream for most fans.

The vocal team didn't practice the whole song, they just practiced the first half and Scoop said their next practice is Good to me. I have watched Good to Me dance practice before and this is my first time seeing them doing a crawly part live while Mingyu is going to be in front of me. My eyes widened when that crawly part came, Jeonghan was in the far back and Scoup was near the front while Mingyu was directed toward me. I don't know how Carat feels about this part but I feel attacked, Seventeen members are good-looking.

"We have a break before our last song practice," Scoup said. "I think you will enjoy Rock with you." Their break is usually around 20 minutes so some took a nap while others like Jeonghan played on their phone. I leaned on Scoop because I was tired but Jeonghan doesn't care and left to the other side of the room. "What's up with him?"

"I don't know, maybe Hyung is in love," Dino said. "I can't imagine having someone else to take care of and not you, Scoup Hyung." From the corner of my eye, I could see Jeonghan talking to Woozi about something, it could be about how I'm close to Scoup or something music related but the way it sounds I think he is nervous or jealous. I went up to him before their break is over and drag him over to a corner to talk, there was something he hiding and it bothered me not to know about it.

"What's wrong?" I ask Jeonghan. "You seem to be ignoring me when I'm close to other members."

"There is a problem," He said. "I'm jealous when you are close with other members. I have feelings for you Shushu." Before he could say anything else their break time was over and the last song they practiced for today was Rock with you, the choreography is intense and I can see how tired everyone is.

"Thank you Shushu for coming to see our practice today," Scoup said. "And thanks everyone for their hard work, let's hope our Jeju concert will be a good experience and I hope we will see you there Shushu."

Jeonghan POV

I watched her leave and the feeling changed when she went away. Every time I'm around Shushu my heart beats faster than ever like she owns my heart from the day I first met her.

'How do I confess to her?' I ask myself and sigh. 'She's my first love and I can't let her go.'

"Hyung, are you actually in love?" Mingyu asked. "She seems to be a good person for you."

"How do I confess to someone?" I ask Mingyu. "I want to say it naturally, I don't want to be awkward."

"Um, Scoop Hyung," Mingyu yells. "Come help Jeonghan Hyung." Scoup appears a couple of minutes later, I think Scoop will have some advice but currently, right now I'm mostly on my own.

"You want to confess to someone and don't want to be awkward?" Scoup ask. "Express how you feel about them and let them say about their feelings, start slow, don't rush."

I think Scoup knows I'm going to confess to Shushu but I don't want to mention her name even if he asks me who is it, I feel like this relationship is going to get a lot of support and a lot of hate since most fan doesn't want me to date, anyone, even if the girl I'm dating is in the same industry as me.

"I'm nervous and scared," I said. "What if she declines me? What if she already has someone else?"

"It going to be okay, maybe she likes you too," Scoup said. "Are you planning to confess to Shushu at Jeju island?" Scoup already knew about it, Shushu must have already told him when he went to visit her. "Jeju Island is the best place to confess, you can do it at the beach or even in the hotel room. Take her on a romantic date. She will love you and Shushu loves Lambo, so maybe a Lambo for her birthday." I hit him slightly. He knows how much Lambo costs and I don't want to waste money yet. "Just kidding."

I sigh and go to bed early. I need to relax my mind for our concert. Maybe Carat can help me think of something to confess to her but I can't because she might be there or maybe I can confess to her on stage.

"Scoup!" I yell. "What if I confess to her on stage?" Scoup wasn't happy when I woke up so I went back to bed and decided to think about this tomorrow.

Photograph - Y. Jeonghan🦈Where stories live. Discover now