Y/n byers (season 4 spoilers)

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I took a deep breathe in as I took in my surroundings. "Ah good old small towns." I chuckled and before I took another step I heard something. 

"Holy shit. Y/n?" I turned around. "Dustin? I didn't think you would be the first person I'd see." I laughed. He laughed as well. "If you came back for your family they aren't here. They moved to Cali." He explained.

"The hell? Why?" I asked. "Have you heard nothing about how cursed Hawkins is and shit?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Well you need to head up to Cali then. It can be a surprise!" He said excitedly. I smiled and we went to book me a flight.

-----------time skip to in cali

I knocked on the door and heard stumbling. "What the hell" I mumbled. A terrible looking Jonathon opened the door.

I brushed past him to a girl with... Mike? "Mike?" I asked. He looked at me with his eyes wide. "Y/n?" He sounded surprised. "Ok first of all why are you all in Cali. Second of all why is Jonathon doing drugs. Third of all who is she." I pointed to the girl. "And fourth where is Will?" I bombarded them with questions.

I heard the door closed and Jonathon stood next to me. I smacked him on the back of his head and pushed him back. "OwwwWwWwWWwWw." He whined. "Where is it?" I asked. He stayed quiet. "Somebody answer my damn questions." I raised my voice. "Will is in his room, The girl is Eleven or El for short, I don't know how long Jonathon has been doing drugs, and we are in Cali because something bad happened in Hawkins causing them to move. I'm just here for break." Mike explained to me.

I extended my hand to her "Welp nice to meet you Eleven I'm the eldest Byers kid. Sorry you have to deal with these idiots." She sat there confused and didn't move. I pulled my hand back. "Ok? Mike where did you find this girl she's awfully quiet?" I asked jokingly.

I ran to Will's room and burst the door open. He looked like he had a heart attack and I stood there laughing like crazy. "Hey Will." I laughed. He rolled his eyes and walked up to me. He hugged me tightly. "Where have you been!?" He asked sounding a bit mad. "With Dad. If you forgot I was forced to go there dingo." I said. He sighed.

We walked back to the others and I smacked Jonathon again just for fun. "So, what's going on today?" I asked. I heard police sirens and saw them run to the window. Eleven slowly walked forwards when Jonathan opened the door.

The officer looked at me and we made eye contact. "Officer I have this handled." I said confidently. He sighed and looked at me. "We have to take her per my sergeants request. You may be a higher up but still this is imp-" I cut him off. "Tell your sergeant that I have this handled and that I can take care of this got it? If not your job and other chances you will have to get a new job are gone." I told him glaring at him.

He looked towards me then the girl and nodded. Jonathan closed the door and we watched him walk back to his car.

"Anyone want to tell me what the hell is going on?" I asked. "El hit someone in the face with a roller skate yesterday and she got hurt pretty badly I guess." Mike said. "And why the hell did she do that?" I asked looking at El. Everyone stayed quiet. "Ok somebody has five seconds to tell me why or I'm giving her to them and that won't be pretty for her." I said. Obviously I wasn't actually going to but I needed an answer.

Will gulped but answered my question. "The girl was bullying El and they recorded a video making fun of her." He blurted out. "Thanks Will because clearly no one else can speak. Well that is valid so we have got to get her out of here." I explained

"What? Why? It wasn't even that serious!?" Mike started getting mad at me. "If you want to put your little girlfriend at risk then by all means feel free. I'm just trying to help dipshit. They want to put her back in a situation like she was in before. If you didn't know then she is desperately wanted by the government right now and if she isn't gone soon then the person who wants her will have her." I was continuously raising my voice getting more irritated by the second.

He looked to the ground like a guilty dog and stood silently. Suddenly gunshots went through the window. "Alright now lets go my car is unlocked get in it!" I yelled. We all ran out careful to avoid gunshots and crammed into my car. I drove off as quickly as possible.

"Alright is everyone's lesson to never question me learned?" I asked rhetorically.

Mike rolled his eyes and I laughed. A car pulled up beside us and rolled the windows down. Owens? I thought. "Give me Eleven I can help get her powers back!" He yelled out. We both pulled over and Mike looked at me crazy. "Don't give her over to those bastards! Y/n! I swear to god do not give her over!" He yelled at me. "Ok look, if you didn't get this earlier I don't work for the guys who want her. I work with Owens. Y'know? Will's old doctor. We want her powers back for reasons you cannot know yet so do me a damn favor and just back the hell off alright Mike?" I yelled.

He shifted uncomfortably and sat back in his seat. I opened my door and stepped out. "Owens they don't trust you. I need her to trust you so that Mike trusts you and he stops trying to control the situation. And unless you want to explain everything to all of them, who keep in mind will try to stop this on their own, I suggest earning her trust dude." I explained in a rushed tone. He just sighed irritated and Eleven walked past me to his side.

"What's going on?" She asked.


1042 words. Part two?

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