Eddie x Reader

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More V2 spoilers bc I love torturing you guys ✌️ you're related to the Byers in this but your old enough and responsible enough to live on your own so you stayed in Hawkins.

I was watching Eddie and Dustin mess around. "NO WEDGIES! NO WEDGIES!" Dustin yelled. I laughed. "Leave my poor child alone Eddie." I laughed. They both looked at me. "I'm/He's your child?" They said in unison. "He is now." I rolled my eyes.

"How are those spears coming along Sinclairs!?" Eddie yelled out. Lucas gave a thumb with a smile and Erica said something to make his smile drop. I chuckled. Eddie and Dustin went back to playing while I checked the 'shields'.

They were holding each other while making eye contact. I laughed quietly at them. "Never change Dustin Henderson." Eddie told him and I smiled. "Promise me?" Dustin looked at him confused. "I wasn't planning on it." He laughed. "Good." Eddie smiled. "Goood!" They both started laughing.

These two are my family. I can't imagine life without them. Once they pulled apart they just talked. I watched the Sinclairs talk having a little sibling moment when I felt arms wrap around my waist. Eddie leaned his head on my shoulder and I leaned my head back on his.

"I love you so much y'know that?" He asked. I chuckled. "Yea I know that. What's up with the attention all of a sudden?" I asked. "I don't know. I just don't feel good about what's going to happen." He explained lowly. I reached my hand up and put it in his hair. I rubbed circles on his scalp. "We will all be okay." I said softly.

- Time skip to when Eddie is playing the guitar. -

"Chrissy.. this is for you." He said before strumming the guitar and screaming. He began singing and the bats almost immediately responded. "T-MINUS THIRTY SECONDS!" Dustin yelled with hand signs. Eddie nodded and continued singing. "T-MINUS TWENTY!" Dustin yelled. "T-MINUS TEN!" Once he yelled that Eddie finished singing soon after and we all ran into the 'protected' trailer.

They got through the vent and we stabbed at the bats until Eddie plugged it with a 'shield'. "There's no more vents like that right?" Dustin asked worried. "Shit.." Eddie mumbled. We rushed to the bathroom and closed the door right when we got in. Me and Dustin climbed as fast as possible up with make-shift rope we had. Eddie started climbing before waiting a moment.

"Eddie come on!" Dustin yelled. He looked up at us. "I love you." He told me. He dropped and grabbed a 'shield' and a spear. He cut the rope. "EDDIE!" I yelled. "What are you doing!?" Dustin asked worriedly. "Buying more time!" Eddie said almost inaudibly. He ran out of the trailer and the bats followed. Me and Dustin gave each other a look.

I helped Dustin get up safely then jumped to get myself up. I landed terribly but ignored the pain and got up immediately. We rushed out to Eddie. The bats were swarming him. "Eddie!" Dustin called, running towards him. I followed, limping slightly from my fall. The bats randomly fell and we rushed to Eddie.

*After Eddie and Dustin talk-*

"I love you man..." Eddie mumbled. Dustin looked away then looked back. "I love you too..." He whimpered. Eddie looked at me. "I love you princess." He said with a soft smile. I choked out a sob and looked at him. "I love you too my love..." I held him closer. "Eddie? Eddie!" Dustin called back.

- Another time skip to when Dustin is telling Mr. Munson about Eddie.

"Mr. Munson?" Dustin called. "I don't care what they said. My boy is innocent and I will keep putting up posters until we find him." He said annoyed while walking off. "We were with him," Dustin paused and Mr. Munson turned back around. "When the Earthquake happened." He finished. "And.. Where is my boy now?" He asked. Dustin looked down sadly and I pulled out Eddie's necklace. I walked up to him and handed it to him.

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