Eddie x Reader

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I woke up in my bed with a cup of water on my nightstand. I took a sip and looked around the room. The posters that Eddie had given me were hanging up. I smelt waffles and I looked at my alarm clock. It was 6:30 am. Mom was probably getting ready to leave for work. I stood up and walked to my dresser. I began my makeup routine. I felt the cold foundation coat my skin. I carefully blended it out grabbing my concealer. Once I finally finished my makeup routine I glanced at the clock again. It was around 7 am by now.

I jumped when I heard knocking on my window. I turned around to see Eddie smirking. I walked to the window and slid it open. I walked to my dresser and pulled out a shirt. It was a band shirt that Eddie gave me a few months ago. I wore it a lot and he seemed to notice every time. I pulled my shirt off and the cool air gave me goosebumps. I dragged the band t-shirt over my head and down my body. I changed the rest of the way before turning back to Eddie. He was preoccupied looking at his collection of rings on my desk. He would give me rings and during the night they sat on my nightstand next to me.

I walked over to him and started sliding the rings on my fingers. I opened a drawer and pulled out a different guitar pick necklace he had given me. He always wore his red guitar pick necklace but he gave me a black one. I put the necklace on and sat next to him on my bed. "So, what's up?" I asked. "I just wanted to see you." He smiled. I rolled my eyes, grinning. "Y/n!" My mom called. "That is your cue to leave. When I finish eating I'll go to your trailer." I told him. He nodded and climbed out of my window. I closed the window, being sure to close the curtains as well.

I walked out of my room with my bag on my shoulders. "Hey, Mom." I greeted. She smiled at me and placed a plate in front of me once I sat down. "Good morning sweetie." She smiled. I ate my waffles quickly and placed my dishes in the sink. "I'm gonna head to Eddie's. Bye, Mom. I love you!" I called out before I left.

I walked to Eddie's trailer and saw Wayne outside. "Hey, Mr. Munson." I smiled. "Hey, kiddo. How are you?" He asked. "Tired but surviving." We both laughed at my comment. "You?" I shot back. "Tired. Can't wait to sleep." He answered. Before I could respond Eddie walked out of the trailer. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded my head and waved to Wayne.

I opened the car door, placing my stuff down before getting in myself. Eddie got in and almost immediately started some music. He drove us to the school. I looked out of the window and saw Jason. I rolled my eyes. Eddie pulled into a parking space and we got out.

I had all of my classes with Eddie and first period was Math. That's a shitty schedule if you ask me. I was drawing in my sketchbook the entire class, ignoring anything my teacher said. I did the same thing for my other classes and soon enough it was lunch. I sat at the other end of the table, across from Eddie. "But we're freaks 'cause we like to play a fantasy game?" He asked rhetorically. "But," He paused stepping onto the table. "As long as your into band," He glanced at the band kids. "Or science," He spared the science kids a look too. "Or parties," He looked at the party kids and they flipped him off. He cupped his mouth. "Or a game where you throw balls into laundry baskets." He yelled and some people in the cafeteria cheered. "You want something freak?" Jason asked. Eddie did fake devil horns and stuck his tongue out in response. Jason mumbled something but no one paid attention to him.

Eddie walked back to his side of the table and jumped down. He bowed, letting some girls pass by before sitting down again. Soon enough lunch ended and I was walking with Eddie to 6th period. This was our free period so we usually just went to the library per my request. I was working on some homework when Eddie sighed loudly. I glanced at him. "What?" I asked. "Can we skip the rest of the day?" He asked me. I already had a bad anxious feeling in my chest. "You do realize you're going to fail again if you miss too many days right?" I asked lowly. He just stared at me. "We already went to Ms. O'Donnell's class today. Our other teachers don't pay attention to me." He told me. My gut was saying no but my mind was saying yes. "Fine.." I whispered.

He smiled widely. I put my stuff away and we rushed out of the building. I threw my stuff in his van and he drove away. I sighed. "What?" He asked me. "Did you forget I have anxiety?" I asked laughing nervously. He kept one hand on the wheel and held my hand with his other. He squeezed my hand. "Nope. I just want to be at home with you." He smiled at me quickly before looking back at the road. "Don't you have a Hellfire Club meeting today?" I asked. He nodded his head. "I'll just show back up later. For now," He paused, pulling in by his trailer. "Let's just hang out." He smiled at me.

We got out of his van but before we got there the door swung open. "Why are you two here right now?" Wayne asked us. "Uh-" Eddie stuttered. "My anxiety was really bad. I really needed to be out of school today." I explained. I mean that wasn't entirely true but what he doesn't know can't hurt him right?

"Alright.. You two be careful. I don't need you failing another year boy." He pointed at Eddie before walking to his room.
1044 words. Part two? I've been having this really bad anxious feeling so idk how I'm gonna keep writing. I had a panic attack earlier I think. My mom and dad thought it was just low blood sugar(my stepmom thinks it was a panic attack) but I was shaking really bad and I felt like I was going to fall down. I was shaking like pick me girl shaking except I wasn't being a pick me I was seriously freaking out. My stomach feels like it's tied in knots and I really just be around people that are important to me but I'm gonna be alone all of tomorrow. Idk I've been freaking out for hours on and off. Idk what's wrong and idk what's happening to me.

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