Billy x Reader

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See you're going to be in this but you won't be important. It will be in your pov but this is more of Max and Billy sibling fluff.
- inspired by—

- inspired by—

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Me and Billy were sitting on his bed when his door burst open. "Max!" He exclaimed. She had her face in her hands. We could hear her whimpering quietly. "I-I just needed to make sure you.. you were here." She stuttered out.

I frowned. "What?" He asked confused. She walked to him and hugged him tightly. He was shocked and looked at me confused. I widened my eyes trying to subtly hint for him to hug her back. He got the hint. He slowly wrapped his arms around her. "It's alright.. I'm still here.." he mumbled. She never really went to him about anything so he was more than confused. "What happened?" He asked. "It's not important." She mumbled. "I'm sure it is if you came to me of all people." He laughed, slightly nervous.

"Well.. I had this nightmare. You got killed by some huge monster. It was so scary. It stabbed right through your chest. You apologized then went limp. I know you're a huge asshole but I don't want you to die..." She was crying again and he held her tightly. Billy never hated Max. He was protective but that's only because of his trauma. I stood up and walked out of the room. I didn't need to further intrude on their privacy.

I walked downstairs into their living room. I saw Neil and we made eye contact. I quickly looked down. "Are you finally leaving?" He asked. "Um.. no.. I just came out to ask if you had any water bottles." I mumbled quietly. "In the fridge." He rolled his eyes. I carefully walked to the fridge and pulled a water bottle out. When I started walking back upstairs I heard Neil speak. "He's just going to cheat on you." Neil laughed. "Pardon?" I turned around. He looked me dead in the eyes. "He's only took my to cheat on you." He smirked at my angry expression. "You know NOTHING about Billy! Last year he did sleep with all the little sluts he could but this year he's been with me!" I rose my voice as I continued speaking. I heard a door open and close but I ignored it.

"Maybe if you took some time and actually talked with your son you would know something about him. But obviously all you can ever do is beat him." I was about to continue when I felt Billy grab my hand. "Hey, leave it. Let's go back to my room and help Max." He mumbled the last part. I glared at Neil before storming upstairs to Billy's room. I was looking for something to hit or throw but I couldn't find anything. Billy walked over to me and hugged me. "I swear I'm gonna kill him." I mumbled. I pulled away and looked at Max. "How are you feeling now?" I asked, ignoring my anger.

"A lot better." She laughed looking down. I sat down next to her. She looked up at me and I hugged her. "If you ever need anything me and Billy are right here. I know he's a grade A asshole but he cares." I mumbled. She nodded her head. "You should head back to sleep now alright?" I suggested. "Ok. Good night." She smiled and went out. Billy laid down and I crawled next to him. I laid my head on his chest. "You know you shouldn't defend me from him." He mumbled. "If he chooses to beat you again because of that I'm calling cps." I looked at him seriously. "We can make sure you and Max end up with me." I continued. He smiled at me. "God, I love you baby." He said quietly before kissing me. I kissed back and we said our good nights. I fell asleep in his embrace.
663 words.

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