Billy x Reader SLUR WARNING!!

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I sat in Billy's room as I watched him get ready. Someone knocked on the door. "Billy!?" Susan called. "Yeah, I'm a little busy here, Susan." Billy rolled his eyes. "Open the door. Now!" His dad demanded. Billy sighed and walked over to open the door. "What's wrong?" He asked slightly annoyed. "Why don't you tell us?" His dad shot back. "We can't find Maxine.." Susan said worriedly. "And her window's open," Neil added.

Billy looked away. "Where is she?" Neil demanded. "I don't know," Billy responded. "You don't know?" His dad asked getting more and more irritated. "I'm sure she just went to the arcade or something.." Billy suggested, trying to be careful with his words. He walked away. "I'm sure she's fine." He added. Neil looked pissed. "You were supposed to watch her." Neil glared at Billy. "I know. I was." Billy told him. "It's just you guys were three hours late, and we have a date." Billy nodded over at me.

"So that's why you've been staring at yourself in the mirror like some faggot instead of watching your sister?" Neil asked. "I have been looking after her all week okay!?" Billy raised his voice. I was scared and it was visible. His dad was an ass and wasn't one to take kindly to Billy. "She wants to run off then that's her problem, alright?" Billy stated. "She's thirteen years old she shouldn't need a full-time babysitter." His dad looked to the ground. I knew what was about to happen... "and she is not my sister!" Billy raised his voice again.

Neil went for him immediately. Billy was pinned up against the wall and Susan just winced. "SUSAN!?" I yelled. She stayed looking away. "What did we talk about?" Neil asked lowly. He punched Billy. "Susan!" I pleaded with tears in my eyes. "What did we talk about?" He repeated. "Respect and responsibility..." Billy responded. "That is right. Now, apologize to Susan." Billy said nothing. They kept eye contact. "I'm sorry, Susan." Billy apologized.

"It's ok Neil really-" he cut her off. "No, it's not okay. Nothing about his behavior is ok." He yelled. "But he's gonna make up for it," he paused. "He's gonna cancel his date with his whore, and then he's gonna find his sister like the kind, respectful brother that he is," Neil demanded. "Isn't that right Billy." He asked lowly. Billy didn't answer. "Isn't that right!?" Neil yelled. "Yes, sir..." Billy muttered. "What was that?" Neil pushed. "Yes. Sir." Billy spoke up. "Good." And with that Neil walked out. Susan looked sympathetically at us. "Get the hell away Susan." I spat. She closed the door and left. Truthfully it wasn't her fault but she could do something to help Billy and she never did so.

Billy threw one of his rings at a glass and the glass broke. "Fuck...!" He whimpered. Tears were streaming down his face. I wanted to cry. Neil didn't only hurt Billy but he chose to disrespect me because I dated Billy. I walked up to him cautiously and slowly wrapped my arms around him. He immediately responded and wrapped his arms around me, crying into my shoulder. "It's not fucking fair.." he whispered. "He always hurt me and Mom but suddenly he gets a new girl and a new child and I'm the one who has to endure everything." He cried. I rubbed his back soothingly. "Let's go find Max, baby.." I mumbled. He wiped his eyes and nodded his head.

-time skip to at the Byers residence

Steve waited outside as Billy and I walked towards the door. "Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?" Billy asked. "Yea it's me don't cream your pants." Steve retorted. "Have you seen my sister? She's about this tall," he estimated her height with his hand. "Redhead, bit of a bitch." Billy asked. I rolled my eyes. He's an ass to max but he does care. I looked at the window and nudged Billy. He glanced over quickly before looking back at Steve. "Nope haven't seen her," Steve said. "Really?" Billy asked.

"Y'know it's kinda ironic how my sister goes missing, I find her here, and you lie to me about it," Billy told him. "Look man what do you not understand? She's not here." Steve repeated. "Who's that?" He glanced and nodded to the window. Steve saw them all duck. "Oh, shit..." he mumbled. Billy was about to punch him. "Billy!" I called. He turned to me. "Don't. Let's get Max and leave." I told him. "We don't need any more problems... please?" I continued. He waited for a minute but sighed. I turned to Steve. "You don't understand how bad it'll be if we don't get Max home now. Please Steve you have to understand." I pleaded with him. He shook his head. "No."

I reached into my pocket. I always carried a knife on me for safety precautions. I pointed it to him. "Steve you're cool and all but I'm not risking shit for Billy or me so please. Give us Max." I gave him one last chance. Max stepped outside. "Y/n?" Max asked, slightly scared. I wasn't normally aggressive like this to anyone. "Max we need to leave. Please." I turned to Max pulling my knife back. "I can't..." she mumbled. I had tears in my eyes from the memories of earlier. "Max.. you know what will happen to him if we don't get you home. And who knows.. it might even affect me this time." I muttered. Max shook her head.

Steve walked closer to us. "What will happen to Billy of all people Y/n? If he doesn't get his sister home.. what will happen?" He asked. "Things you don't want to know." Steve didn't like that answer. "You two need to leave. Now." He demanded. Billy punched him. He had no control. Suddenly max ran quicker than I could imagine in and out of the house. She stabbed him with a syringe and he fell. "Leave me and my friends alone!" She demanded. Billy didn't respond. She brought a bat between his legs. "Say you understand!" She demanded harsher. Billy was completely out of it. "Yes sir..." he mumbled before passing out. Max's eyes widened. She turned to me. "Take Billy and leave," Max told me. I shook my head. "No, You know I can't do that," I muttered. Max was getting angry. "For fucks sake Max!" I yelled. "Neil's going to fucking kill him! Do you want to know how close he was to it earlier!?" I cried out. Her and Steve's eyes widened. "Please..." I pleaded. "If Neil kills Billy... it isn't my problem." She muttered. My eyes widened. I looked at her. "Fuck you, Max. I mumbled. I turned to Steve. "He isn't stuck up for fun. I promise." I told him. "Help me get him in the passenger seat," I demanded. Steve helped me and I got into the driver's seat.

He leaned onto the rolled-down window on my side. "Whatever is going on better be really important Steve." I told him. He nodded his head. "It is."


1181 words. If y'all ever want a part two just ask😭😭

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