Jonathan x Reader

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I walked up to Nancy's new friend group. Me and Barb hated them. Not like she can hate anymore anyways..

"What's going on?" I asked. "One of your freak friends took pictures of Nancy and Steve." Carol laughed. She gave Nance a picture and I looked at it over her shoulder. I turned to Jonathan with wide eyes.

Some other guy was messing with his camera and Steve told him to stop. He took the camera and was about to drop it. "Steve do not!" I yelled at him. "I swear to god I will burn all of the posters in your room." I threatened. He dropped it. "Whoops." He said.

"Steve! You know how expensive camera's are!" I exclaimed. He just laughed and walked off with his douche bag friends. "Well run along Nancy. Go be with your shithead boyfriend." I said. She scoffed and followed after him.

"Y/n you don't have to protect me from them." Jonathan mumbled. I laughed. "I don't but the look on Steve's face when his posters are gone will be hilarious come on!" I ran off to his car.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jonathan asked. "What's he going to do, fight me? He's never won a fight. He's only popular because of his hair honestly." I laughed. He chuckled and I ripped the last poster off of his wall. I saw Steve pull into the drive way and I ushered Jonathan out of his room. We rushed to my room and when I heard the front door shut I climbed out of the window with Jonathan.

We were both laughing as we rushed to his car and drove away.


When we got to a blank spot I set all of Steve's posters on fire with some wood to make it last. I sat next to Jonathan as we watched the paper burn. I leaned my head in his shoulder and sighed. "I'll help buy you a new camera. My parents will give me the money." I explained. Jonathan shook his head.

"No it's fine. I'll save up my money." He tried denying me. I sat upright and shoved him lightly. "Come on, pleaseee? I really want to get this for you. Can't I get it for you for your birthday? It'll just be a present!" I exclaimed. He shook his head while smiling. "Noo! I don't want you wasting your money!" He said.

"Alright it's settled. February sixth you are getting a new camera! It's going to be even better then your other one!" I exclaimed happily. He sighed in defeat. "Alright." He smiled.

- February 6th

I rushed over to Jonathan's house early in the morning and Joyce let me in. I put his present on the table and saw Will in the other room. I walked over to him and sat next to him on the couch. "Hey." I said. He looked at me tiredly and smiled. "You can go back to sleep. I'll help your mom with whatever she needs alright?" I said. He nodded and went to his room.

I walked over to Joyce and leaned on the wall. "What'd you get him?" I asked her. "Ah some thing he's been wanting. I left the camera for you to buy since you said you wanted to." She smiled. Thirty minutes past and Jonathan walked lazily out of his room.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Joyce laughed. He grinned a bit then realized Will wasn't there. "Where's Will?" He asked. "He's asleep." I said. He nodded and stood next to me. He hugged me and rested his head on my shoulder. He pressed his weight against me and I just stood there holding him. "Happy birthday." I mumbled. "Thank you." He laughed.

"Do you want your present now or later?" I asked. He looked confused. "Did you forget!?" I asked. He nodded his head and I heard his mom laugh. I went and grabbed his present. I walked back to him and handed it to him. He ripped open the packaging and his face lit up. "Oh yea! You got one of the best ones!" He exclaimed. He set it down gently and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He repeated. I laughed. "No problem." I said. Will walked out of his room and saw the camera. He smiled. "That's sick!" He said. Jonathan let go of me and looked to Will. "Wanna test it out with me?" He asked him. "Sure." Will said.

I sat back happily watching the boys with Joyce. "Thank you for getting him that camera. He was so upset when his other one broke." She said. "No problem! I've been so excited for his reaction." I exclaimed. She smiled. Jonathan and Will walked over to us and sat down with us. "So what are we doing today?" I asked. Jonathan pretended to be in thought. 

"We should go to a music store." He suggested. I smiled. "Alright lets go!" I exclaimed. We all got up and Joyce drove us to the store. I walked around with Jonathan, holding his hand. "Oh my god." I said with no explanation. "What?" He asked. "I should make you a mixtape!" I said excitedly. He laughed. "You seriously scared me." He sighed.

Once Jonathan got distracted with a few mixtapes I picked out a bunch and walked up to the register. I bought them and gave the bag to Joyce who put them in her purse. I walked back over to Jonathan. He looked over to me then back at the tapes. "Do you want to go out to eat after this?" I asked him. "I don't have enough money on me for that right now." He laughed. "Well I doooo. We should go eat. It'll be my treat. I'll pay for all of us." I told him. He shook his head.

"Come onnnn. Pleaseeeeee. I want to do this." I said. "Fine.' He finally gave in. "Yay! Lets go!" I exclaimed. "What? I haven't even bought any tapes yet though!" He said disappointedly. "You don't have to! I already bought you a bunch!" I laughed. He groaned. "Y/nnnnn! Stop buying things for me!" He whined and I just laughed at him.

I walked over to Joyce and Will. "Is there anything you guys want?" I asked them. Joyce shook her head and Will looked like he wanted to ask for something. "Will come with me I'll show you something." I told him and he walked to a shelf with me. "What do you want to get? I'll buy it for you." I explained. He mumbled a few tapes that he wanted so I walked over, picked them up, and paid for them. I handed him the bag. "I hope you enjoy those! Now lets go eat." I told him and his face lit up.

I explained to Joyce what I wanted to do and it took her a minutes but she agreed eventually. We went to Jonathan's favorite restaurant and sat down. We all picked out our meals and once we were done I paid the bill. I raced Will back to the car as Joyce and Jonathan walked behind us. I let him win and sighed in 'defeat'.

Joyce drove back to their house and I watched as Will and Jonathan both got excited about their new mixtapes. Once the day was done and it was night again me and Jonathan went up to his room. I collapsed on his bed after I changed into one of his shirts. He laid down behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Happy birthday Jonathan Byers I love you."

"Thank you Y/n L/n I love you."


1264 words. Sorry if I post too much about Jonathan- I love him.

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